Our first grade just did the Flat Stanley project. We sent our to our friends the Halls in Arizona. This is what they sent back. It is incredible!!! I can not emphasize that enough. Our teacher said is was the best she had ever seen. I took pictures of every page so you can see the details of the book. See here!
It is unbelieveable. So thank you Brenna for doing such a great job and we owe you big time. If your school ever needs anyting from D.C. let us know!!
If you have not read the flat stanley books, do - they are great!
HEY- your friend Brenna stole my idea. My nephew sent me a flat stanley (although significantly smaller) a couple of months ago and I also made a little book. It was completely out of control. The best part- I lost him and had to make another little guy, but this time I dressed him in his cowboy wear. I love flat stanley. It was really fun to take him around the city and see things where we live. Sad- it took a piece of paper in the shape of a boy to get us out and exploring.
no the flat stanley was as big as annie kate. and they took to sea world with them for the day as well as three kids.
Wow! Stanley must have had a great time! What amazing friends you have to invest so much time and creativity into this really fun project. Annie Kate must have been thrilled. So fun!
Great now I have two people I know who will be really creative for our flat stanley. Texas and DC will be great places to send them.
That is such a cute idea.
Wow, your friend really went to town on that project--that's just plain nice!
It's so funny to me to think of kids running around carrying a cut-out of Flat Stanley, but such a cool idea.
This is such a great idea. I have never heard of this before but it is making me think. Inspiration for something I am cooking up.
Thats so fun! Taylor actually did the flat stanley project a few months ago. We had it sent to her G'pa Dale Clouse and they sent back some fun things from AZ as well. (Gilbert, AZ) is actually where we are looking to move in 2 years small world! Those pictures are great and so much fun.
Wow, that is amazing! Lucas did Flat Stanley a few months ago. He sent one to his grandparents in SLC and one with his aunt and uncle in Michigan. The kids in his class had a blast with this project.
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