no post for yesterday. no time to read anything. still depressed over finishing my book, is that normal? ...and sick kids. This is a photo of Jeff and Sally Jane at the Children's Hospital waiting to get an xray, she had not been eating for a few days and I was worried she had swallowed a penny. Luckily nothing inside. She still won't eat and since she is now on liqid iron because her iron levels keep dropping it is so hard to get it in her.
Then after 7 days of complaining she was sick, i finally took Annie kate to the doctor. She would cry going to school everyday, cried all day at chruch on Sunday. and jeff and i kept saying "you are not sick you are making this up." Becasue she only told us she was sick before the bus came or it was time to do her chores. So I finally took her so the Dr. would tell her that she was fine and he would back me up. Well, all the Dr. did was tell us that she has strep throat and has probably had it for a week. WHAT! Oh my. I was seriously waiting for social services to come pick me up in the lobby. You should have seen the look her AK's face. it was so funny. We got the babies tested and they don't have it.
Lesson learned. I need to listen to my kids.
Sick kids make me so sad! Glad they didn't find a penny, but did they tell you what could be wrong? I had step all the time when I was younger and sometimes it was worse than others. Finally got the 'ol tonsils out when I was 18. Maybe this was just a mild case for her so she wasn't totally miserable. Glad it is all figured out though!
So sad. I'm sure she gave you the.. "see I told you so" look. The thing is.. if they wouldn't fake cry so much, it would be easier to believe them. I hope she feels better.
So she didn't swallow a penny, but as Hannah asked- did they figure out what was wrong?
It is totally normal to be sad you finished a book. I hate leaving characters behind that I have become completely enamered with. I am so loving the reader in you!
no we still don't know why she is not eating. went to the peds yesterday tested for strep since AK has it and it came up neg. so we still don't know.
time will tell.
I am sorry they are sick. I hope that everyone gets feeling better.
What a grim state of affairs, no wonder you weren't online yesterday.
I had a wicked case of strep throat last year and felt functionally awful for weeks before I went to the doctor.It was torture. Poor Annie Kate.
As for Sally Jane, that's a bit alarming. I hope you guys can figure out what's going on with her soon.
I'm often really sad when I finish a great book, it's a bit of a betrayal to have it end.
Thats funny and sad all at the same time. I think (dr's wifes) tend to think our kids make up being sick because we hear about the painful stories they come home from work with. Its funny that you posted that because Angie & I were just talking about how some families take their kids to the doctor for EVERYTHING running nose, etc. Don't beat yourself up we have all done that. I did that once with an ear infection and felt TERRIBLE.
I have not been able to check your blog for the last couple of days, and I am sorry that your girls have been sick. Strep is no fun and can just be miserable. Hope AK is better. And Sally Jane -- what is happening? I had hoped to be able to call tonight, but the time just slipped by too quickly. We have had one sick child here. I took Madelyn in this morning with an ear infection and strep throat. She has been one miserable little girl and I have felt so bad for her. I don't like to see any of our grandchildren sick, so I hope that good health will come to your house quickly!!!
oh, the misery of sick kids. I have had this experience, too. Sometimes they just really seem like they're faking! I have found that I never want to outright tell my kids that they feel fine when they complain of not feeling well. I can't know that with 100% certainty. I might say that I think they're well enough to go to school, or that if they can eat and they don't have a fever they need to tough it out... something like that. But I don't tell them that they're fine anymore. Too much possibility for guilt later! Hope the girls are feeling better soon, and that Sally Jane starts eating -- that's worrisome for a mother for sure.
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