My friend Jill has a Gratitude blog. It is incredible. I have wanted to start my own and don't know why I have not. But I thought you might want to check it out. It is the greatest legacy she can leave for her family.
So to all my friends who say they want to start a blog but say they don't have time, you might want to consider doing something like this.
Jill i love your quotes and photos they are incredible.
Thanks Kristi for your kind words and the plug for my gratitude blog. It was kind of bizarre to click over to your blog and see a picture of my house. Weird. I'm finding it's so much easier to write 5 things a day I'm thankful for now that I have the immediate gratification of putting it online and putting a picture with it. I love it, and can do it in like 5 minutes a day.
I think everybody should do it, it's so easy and so fun, and it definitely helps me to remember how much I have to be thankful for.
Ditto to that. Just out of curosity how do you guys save your blogs and keep them as a remembrance? Do you print them out burn them to a cd?
I LOVE Jill's gratitude blog. I have done something similar off and on for the last 5 years, but I wish I had been more consistent. I agree.. the pictures really add. I love that she lists lots of basic stuff.. stuff you forget about and don't always think to be thankful for.. does that make any sense?
and i have to add that the photos are all ones that she has taken! incredible
Wow, I had no idea that Jill had done that, thank you for sharing! I love the idea and it would be something I really could do every day!!
I think its a great idea. Expressing what you are grateful for definitely changes your attitude. I have started a journal just for me.
OH I agree! she is fabulous! But the pictures and quotes add such a force to it that gratitude just runneth over! So lucky to have a friend like her!
Greets to the webmaster of this wonderful site! Keep up the good work. Thanks.
Greets to the webmaster of this wonderful site. Keep working. Thank you.
Very pretty design! Keep up the good work. Thanks.
Nice colors. Keep up the good work. thnx!
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