So i have realized that my blog does not seem to work well in Internet Explorer. Hannah has said she has had problem reading my poem. And in IE my whole blog is pink, which must be so annoying to read. It is meant to have a white strip down the center so you can actually read the words. I will work on it and don't know what is going on. I use Mozilla Firefox, my brother Spencer got me turned on to it and I love. It has many fun advantages. So for all of you IE users be patient i will get it worked out soon.
We use Mozilla too and don't ever have any troubles. Internet Explorer has given us a lot of grief, so we never use it. Your blog looks good to me, and your new banner is very cute.
I use Internet Explorer and your blog has only recently had some text issues-- beginning w/the poem. I use Mozilla at home and never have any issues and can see the white zig-zag in the middle.
Good luck. Computers are a pain sometimes.
I have been considering switching myself. Perhaps I will today. Thanks for the link. Looking forward to seeing your changes.
How ironic. I just downloaded it yesterday but still use internet explorer interchangibly. It does take a little to getting used to since the top tool bars are a little different. My sister has told me she heard it was a much better server as well.
(I couldn't read your poem until I opened it the other way either)
Very pretty design! Keep up the good work. Thanks.
I'm impressed with your site, very nice graphics!
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