
Wednesday, May 24, 2006

trash digging.
my favorite day to go walking is on friday's. That is our trash day in our neighborhood. This is what i found last friday in somenes trash. All in perfect condition.
A few weeks ago my neighbor called me and said, "you might want to go check the neighbors trash" sure enough there was some awesome fabric and it was fully lined curtains. They are the perfect yellow to match the chair covers I made for our kitchen. I may cut them up or use them, who knows.
My best trash find was in New Orleans. Someone threw away a Jenny Lind high chair. we took it pained it white and still use it every day!


Amy said...

I have an uncle who was a garbage man in downtown Seattle for years. He got the best stuff from the trash. The Post Office was on his route. He told me that all of the books returned to those book of the month clubs really get thrown in the garbage by the postal service. He was always picking up great books! Too bad that resource is gone. He isn't a garbage man any more.

Jill said...

What in the world? Were these cds on the top of some nicely bagged trash or were you rooting around through rotten bananas and other people's Q-tips? I can't imagine actually taking something out of someone's trash can. But I also can't believe someone would throw those cd's away rather than donating them to Goodwill, a school, a friend or something. Ridiculous. Yet another one of your talents is revealed.

Tasha said...

Great find! You and Amy Wise, you are the top two trash pickers of ALL TIME!
If it were an event in the Olympics, it would be a fight for the Gold!

jenn said...

I'm curious too, how much digging do you do? I don't think I could bring myself to do it, knowing what I put in my trash can. What great scores for you though!