
Saturday, July 22, 2006

Busy Busy Weekend.
We have been on a whirlwind downtown tour. I am trying to remember everything we did today and add it to my D.C. blog, you can check out some of the stuff we did today.
I need sleep!


Tasha said...

You are going to know that place like the backs of your hands. I don't know DC very well and am always a little intimidated by driving down there. Are you driving or taking the metro?

I am so glad you're getting to do all of this, your girls are in the coolest place ever to learn about American History! Now they just need to come to Philadelphia, PA, the "Cradle of Liberty"!

Jill said...

It's very cool that you're seeing everything (in your first month of living there no less) and have a great place to document it all. I don't know where you get the energy to keep going, going, going.

Anne said...

what a great picture, I love it!!

Anonymous said...

I think that you have seen more in DC than I have!! You are amazing. When we come down next month YOU will have to be the tour guide.

By the way, Holly said that the ribbon outlet was incredible! We're planning to make a trip when we come back.