
Saturday, October 28, 2006

a first for us
This weekend is the first daylight savings (fall back) that my husband will not be spending the night at the hospital in about 6 years. Even though he is on call this weekend he sleeps at home and (knock on wood) rarely gets called at that.
But can you imagine how hard it would be to be at work and working a 24 shift but it is really 25 hours. You look at your watch at 12:00 am you work a whole hour and then you have to turn your clock back and work it again. I have always laughed about this weekend but this year for the first time, in a while, my husband will finally to sleep that extra hour instead of work it.


Jill said...

I'm so happy for you and Jeff, and all the firsts that are going on because he's done with school and his residency and all of that. It was such a long time coming. I hope you both get a good night's sleep (are you feeling better today?) and an extra hour tomorrow.

amy gretchen said...

Yeah for Jeff. I just love the extra hour of sleep and have thought about it several time today. I hope you all enjoy it.

Liz said...

That must be a great feeling to know you don't have to have a 25 hour day again. Hope he gets a full nights sleep!

Amie said...

I love turning the clocks back! How nice for Jeff to get to finally enjoy the extra hour!

Amanda said...

Turning the clock back and working the past hour all over again almost sounds like a scenario out of the novel "The Time Traveler's Wife"! Only real.

Amy said...

Yay for Jeff. That would be more than hard. It would be really terrible! I hope he enjoys his extra hour of sleep.

Tasha said...

I would have totally forgotten to turn back the clock if not for this post!

Jeff deserves way more than an extra hour of sleep after that residency/fellowship, and so do you!
But, an extra hour is nice!

Laurie said...

You find the best pictures. I am quite giddy myself that the kids are in bed after having just been to the ward Trunk or Treat and it's only 8 p.m.!

jenny said...

Oh, happy day!! Working an hour later...well I just can't imagine. Glad Jeff will be home in bed with you instead!!

Anonymous said...

i LOVE today - its my favorite HOLIDAY!! my husband jokes that ONLY I could turn it into a full on holiday!! hehe

Bevan said...

I totally forgot. I usually anticipate this one, but now April is my favourite, because when you turn the clock forward, you get out of work earlier.

michelle said...

Hooray for Jeff! I doubt anyone needs that extra hour more...

TX Girl said...

So-- I just called Adam to remind him about daylight savings. He was very happy that he wasn't moonlighting or on call, because of the time change. He had one of those 25 hour shifts and he said that nothing good ever comes from the extra hour.

I'm still jealous y'all are done.

Anonymous said...

Only in the doctors' world do we think of this! David and I talked about this very thing today because he was so glad he wasn't doing the night shift and remininsce of the nights when he was at the hospital on daylight savings---so funny. We were on the same brainwave!

Jordan said...

I must say, Arizona is on the right track--no daylight savings, no confusing clock setting and time adjustments...really, what's the point, right? So you guys are done? Where to next? What's Jeff's specialty?

everything pink! said...

jordan, jeff finished his sinus fellowship last year, but did his residency in ENT.
He is paying the Army back the 4 years they paid for Medical School and working at Walter Reed Medical Center, the Army hospital in D.C.

and yes for anyone reading they are shutting down WRAMC, but it will take about 4 years for them to merge with Bethesda Naval.

Kari Lynne said...

We should have read your blog last night. I woke up this morning with the alarm to get ready for church. Luckily the thought came to me, "isn't it about time for Daylight Saving." I checked the calendar and sure enough. Spencer was excited about sleeping the extra hour. I am excited about getting to have an extra hour of peaceful quite time with some hot chocolate and my scriptures. YEA!!!

I'm so glad that Jeff is done with all of that and your family can experience all the normal things that the rest of us get to. What a sacrifice you both made!!! Enjoy your Sabbath Day together. Love you!

Angie said...

So glad Jeff is home this time around.

I too have always felt sorry for the guys that were on call on this night. Greg has worked a few of these but not the last six. WHEW! Jeff deserves to never be at the hospital again on the 25 hour night shift!