Annie Kate's Baptism and my 500th Post
I have not gone this long of not blogging and been in town, ever! It has been really busy and I am making myself sit down today to get this done, or I am afraid that I will let it pass by.

Saturday, December 2nd was Annie Kate's baptism into our church. It was a wonderful day. Both sets of Grandparents were there. (which I think is so amazing with us living so far away, Big thanks to them for coming) My brother Bevan and his family from North Carolina came. His wife made the food for the baptism and brought it with her, so I didn't have to worry about it. It was wonderful. She made these Pumpkin cookies with cream cheese frosting that were amazing.
It was sunny outside but really cold.

I had wanted to decorate the bathroom that she would change into or at least have some white roses in there that I would give to her, but it was too late in the game and my wonderful friend and sister in law, looked at me at 10:00 pm the night before and said, "Kristi go to bed!" So if you think ahead I think this would make a nice little fluff for the child too. I had also wanted to get a nice white flower, tasteful not prom like corsage, for the grandma's and her primary teacher to wear, but again too many ideas, not enough time.

Annie Kate with her Grandparents
Grammy and Papa.

With Mimi and Grandpy.
The amazing part of the day and what got me really crying was how many people came. I had set up about 25 chairs. I had many people tell me that they were not going to be able to come so I didn't think there would be many people. Because we had just moved here I was not sure. Right before we started I turned my head around and I saw my college roommate's brother and I started crying like a baby. (and am crying as I am typing) I had invited his family so I don't know why I am so surprised they came, but it was almost like having Emily there! My friend from high school who lives in VA, Mark, came with his family and it meant so much to me. The room kept filling up and they had to double up on chairs. Thanks to my visiting teacher who stood in the back keeping the room filled with chairs, handing hymn books to our neighbors who came, getting forks and a ladle. She truly saved the day. She had come early to set up and stayed late to clean up. I was truly blessed by so many people today.

We had yummy treats and I was thrilled it was Christmas time because it was so easy to decorate for. White table cloths and trimmings from my neighborhood. You have got to love those magnolia trees.

I must not forget one of the big parts of this weekend that will always remain in AK's memory was that she woke up so sick on Saturday. She left to go home right after the baptism and has stayed in bed pretty much up to today (Tuesday) It has been really sad for her but I guess she will never forget this weekend because of that.
I just must say that of all my posts and things, events, traditions, family outings I have written about this past year, none will affect Annie Kate's life more than the event of this day. As much as I love making, creating and gluing and cutting, nothing is more important than when I pray with my children and teach the principles of Jesus Christ. No craft, advent, purse, monogrammed pillow is more important than the long lasting affects of teaching my children the purpose of life. For those of who may read this but not know what a baptism is about I typed up this last part just for you.
Today, as in the days of Jesus Christ, there are certain principles and ordinances of the gospel that people must learn to obey. A principle is a belief, a fundamental rule of conduct or law, and an ordinance is a rite or ceremony.
The first principles and ordinances of the gospel are:
- First, faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.
- Second, repentance.
- Third, baptism by immersion for the remission of sins.
- Fourth, laying on of hands for the gift of the Holy Ghost.
...and I can't believe my 500th post, there would be no better subject to write about! Yea. I hope the next 500 are just as fun to do!
You guys all look amazing. Love all of the things you did for her baptism. That is a great idea about the flowers. Bummer, I don't think Jared would be too fond on roses next year. Umm I can't believe I will have TWO baptized kids before leaving Texas, crazy!
Your post couldn't have been said better. Getting baptized into the church was the best decision I ever made in my life at 19 years old.
I love the idea of the baptism bag and the testimony on the back of the program! Genius! What I love most about this post are the tender feelings that you captured of that special day! Very sweet!
ok - and 500 posts? Geez! I thought I had a lot at 5o something! HA!
What an awesome 500th post! You did a great job on everything- the chair cover, the programs, decorations, girls in white dresses, all of it!
I love what you said about nothing else being as important as the teaching of our kids. So True!!
You are a great mother with such a tender heart, I got teary eyed too, thinking about when my oldest is baptized!
What a beautiful post. It sounds like the day went really well and you added a ton of little touches to make your daughter feel special. I am sure she will remember her baptism day forever.
What a fantastic day! The pictures are so cute it makes my heart hurt (also because it's reminding me of things I could have done for Landon's baptism). It's so great that both sets of grandparents could be there and that Bevan and his wife came too. She's so sweet to do the food for you and to tell you to go to bed. I'm so happy for you and Jeff and for Annie Kate!
I wanted to send her 8 white roses with a pretty bow, but it was going to be $75. I'm very bummed out about this, and feel like shmuck that I only sent her a monk-email.
Congrats on your 500th post!
wow kristi that is amazing. the pictures look fabulous and the white bag is just beautiful! what touch you have. the pictures of your family look pretty too and the one with her before leaving home was soo sweet. how nice to have both grandparesnts there. what a special day to remember!
What a sweet post! I love what a special day you made it for her. That number 8 is fabulous! And her testimony on the program is so sweet. I love how excited and happy she looks in all the pictures. You'd never guess she was sick.
500 posts! I just had a post about this on my blog, but there's a company that will publish your blog in book form, pictures and everything. It looks amazing! It is http://www.blurb.com. They say they will support blogger soon.
What a special weekend for all of you. The extra touches will be sweet reminders of what an important day it was.
What a perfect day! I'm so glad to hear all about it.
I LOVED all of your ideas. The chair cover, the homade bag, the decorations, the pictures, so many things!
What a special day, your daughter looked beautiful.
I enjoyed this post. What a beautiful day. My baptism is one of my favorite childhood memories, and I am sure it will be for Annie Kate as well.
I think it's wonderful how you have become close with so many friends, ward members and neighbors already.
Kristi - what a wonderful post. Thanks for sharing the details of Annie Kate's baptism day. She will never forget her special day and neither will you. My Hayden will be baptized at the end of this month, and I get choked up just thinking about it. Such a big step in the lives of our children. There is nothing better than watching your child grow in love for the Savior and understanding of His gospel. I love that you included the principles and ordinances of the gospel in your blog. So happy that is was a beautiful day for all of you.
It looks like it was a fabulous day...and you made it extra special with your eye for detail.
And your post was priceless -- you said it all so perfectly.
it sounds like a very special day. I love all of the little things you did that made the day so special and unique for annie. So sad that she was sick! What a trooper for hanging in there. I loved all of the things that you had to say about teaching your children. It is so true, loving and teaching our children about the gospel and what are purpose is jere on earth.. . that is the most important.
I've been checking and checking for this post! Oh, how I loved reading every word! I remember the day that Annie Kate was born! I can't believe her baptism day has already come! so happy for you all! Love you!
Kristi- Thanks for inviting us to the baptism, I thought of Annie Kate on Saturday and know she will have very special memories of her baptism. You all look great and Annie Kate looks so grown up. So wonderful you had both Grandparents there for the celebration. Big hugs-Heather
What a great post. I was really moved by all the pictures and the details of your experience. My daughter turns eight in a few months and I can't believe how emotional I feel when I think of her getting baptised. I am going to remember some of the special things you did for Annie Kate's baptism, like adding her testimony to the back of the program and taking a picture of her right as she leaves the baptismal font. Great post---it stirred a lot of emotion in me!
Darling darling darling, and Kristi you look beautiful in the picture with Annie Kate!
Absolutely beautiful post Kristi! It looked and sounded like a fantastic day! All of your ideas were great, and I am glad you posted them, because I am thinking about this even coming up for us in just one year!!
I LOVE the silohette (SP??), please post where you had this done! I want to do this!
I adore the photo of your daughter by the font of water! That is extra special to me. Too bad my kids have already had their special day! Also, here we have stake Baptism day and sometimes there's 10 or more children, so we don't have the building all to ourselves. But, I guess in the end, it's all about the saving ordinance, huh.
For our Primary baptisms in 2007 we will give them a white bath towel monogrammed CTR on the edge.Sweet and simple! -ciao
Such a lovely post. You are really a wonderful mother. You made her already very special day, even more so with all the great extra touches.
The photos look fabulous and so does your family. How awesome it must have been to see her make the choice to get baptized. I simply can't wait for my girls to turn 8.
Congrats on 500. That's amazing. You have doubled me in 1/3 the time.
That is really beautiful and it had a very KBC touch to it. You can use that same "8" for all your girls!
Did you have her wear the dress she is wearing in the pictures to be baptized in? Did she have another white dress to change into afterwards or did she wear a different dress to be baptized in? I love that she was in white the whole time..
Our family will be sealed in February and I am going to use some of these ideas....
What a beautiful day and beautiful family....
What a great post! What an important day for Annie Kate. I'm sure that she felt all the love and support from everyone that attended.
I love the invitation and bag- so cute!
Annie Kate's invitation has been on our fridge since it arrived. It is so beautiful!! Annie wished that I had made one like that for her baptism. The day of the baptism Alex asked if we were going. I told him that we would be if it weren't for the very long drive. Audrey said that it is a very short flight and that we should go. Mimi was sad to miss it also, but it was fun having her up to visit. I am glad that Adam and Katie were able to attend. What a beautiful day!!!
Congratulations sweet Annie Kate! What a wonderful moment for you all. It just brings tears to my eyes. I will have to remember all your lovely ideas for next year.
i have so been wanting to post about this special day and have been swamped! but i read about it and it was so touching. you really do a great job of making things memorable for your family. thanks for sharing your great ideas! i'm glad it turned out to be such a wonderful day. AK looks beautiful.
What a wonderful post, Kristi. Why couldn't Annie Kate have been baptized before Max?? You have so many great ideas, many special touches. You have such style, and it shows in everything you do. But I especially loved what you said about the prayers and teachings being more important than any monogramming, programs, or white dresses. (but it sure doesn't hurt to make everything so darn cute!)
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