We seem to still have the sickies in this house with Jeff being the worst. He was flat out all day Sunday. He is a strong believer of getting up and getting out will help you feel better. (what is that all about?) So we got dressed and headed for downtown. We had not been there in two Saturdays and I think we were going through withdrawals. Once we got on the George Washington Parkway, I seriously felt myself getting better. I love the drive to downtown D.C. (and this is the ugly time of year)
We really didn't plan on doing much and didn't even bring a stroller, but the D.C. addicts that we are once we get down there we don't know how to stop.

Our first hit was the Lincoln Memorial to talk to the kids about Martin Luther King. Annie Kate had learned a lot about him at school and I think she taught us more than we did her. I have figured that in the 7 months we have lived here, we have visited on a average of once a month.

We spent some time at the reflecting pool, but forgot to bring bread for a duck friends.

I opted for something new this time and went with the Navajo Taco and a pumpkin squash with pine nuts and yellow raisins. It was so amazing. If you ever get to D.C. or live her don't miss it.

We visited yet more ducks outside and the security officer ask me to get my daughter out of the water. I figured this was our 4th set of ducks we played with this weekend.
- lakes by our house.
- Washingtonion Center
- reflecting pool
- American Indian museum

Annie Kate tested checked out her weight in space. We gave a few glances around and then bolted for next spot.

I loved this photo of Sally Jane and Jeff looking at a plane flying overhead.

Annie Kate was drawn to one of the Jackson Pollock prints recognizing it from the book Olivia.
We had to remind her not to try this at home like Olivia did.

We also found the Campbell Soup print by Andy Warhol.
Here is a great website for your kids to look at and a real help in helping kids appreciate the museum.

We waited on the lawn by the Capitol for Jeff to pick us up while the girls collected mor Monkey Finger nails.

The girls were so tired and had a nice little nap while we went to Georgetown and I ran into Paper Source.

Jeff said I will drive around and be back in 15 minutes. Who can spend only 15 minutes in Paper Source for their first time? or ever? The two story shop on M street did not disappoint. I came so close to buying a yard of cute pink and green polka dot ribbon for $4.25 a yard. (the ribbon outlet sells 50 yard spools for $3.00) but resisted even though it was true eye candy.
It was a great day in the city, very unplanned (remember we had no stroller, I kept looking for Mindy's) and it was 73 degrees in January. If this is a sick day I am scared for our next time downtown.
Does this make you want to come visit me???
I love the Jackson Pollack...
It sounds like you had a fabulous day, sick and all. I think any day spent perusing the museums and memorials of DC would be great. I'm glad you made a point of telling us that your children are normal, and have meltdowns too. It wouldn't be a true outing if someone didn't have a fit at least once, right?
ahhhhh! i was living in potomac for high school, and all of our adventures around d.c. remind me of those wonderful times. i consider myself so lucky to have been able to spend my high school "free time" running around the Mall and the Museums.
i'll be up the first week in may (for a conference). i'm looking forward to re-exploring my old stomping grounds. i love reading about your enthusiasm for it all. thanks!
i mean, "all of YOUR adventures around d.c."
My husband served his mission there, and we've always wanted to go back and haven't made it yet. So, yes! You've made it even more enticing.
Yes, this definitely makes me want to come visit you. The lure of a Paper Source with 2 floors, The National Gallery, and 73 degree weather sounds good right about now too. I'm glad your outing was so great. (I can't believe Jeff wanted to do that when he was so sick.) What's up with not taking the stroller?
Cute pictures!
73 degrees?! It is 7 degrees here today...
I wish I could go to that Paper Source for sure -- oh, and all the monuments and museums, of course! I don't get Jeff's motto of getting out and getting better. I just want to hibernate when I'm sick.
Love the monkey finger nails. CB is so creative!
I am so jealous of all your adventures. I would love to live in DC. Your blog gives me so many great ideas for things we need to do when we visit.
Great post about MLK-- we are all more educated for reading your blog.
Your hubs definately doesn't like to sit around, huh? Fun excursion!
Great pix! -ciao
I love DC! You are making me want to visit again, we've been there twice and we really should go somewhere new if we vacation at all this year. Oh how nice to live so close! I rank DC above Boston if you can believe that, I love it THAT much.
So, can you handle going to Paper Source twice in one week? I just got off the phone with Holly and we decided that it would be a fun place to go on Friday after the Chinese Embassy. Maybe we can also hit the Native American Museum for lunch! I'm sure we'll have many fun options! I hope that you can join us!
to emily... duh! of course
I loved the National Gallery. I could explore there for days. I always feel a great sense of reverence when I'm in the presence of great art. I feel that it's inspired and has the potential to explain God's mysteries in ways that truly speak to the soul. I'm glad you finally made it.
And can I say, two storey Papersource! How in the world do you get so lucky? And I really want to go to the ribbon outlet.
Your adventures have made me want to take my family to DC! I've never wanted to before! The pictures of your children are so precious, so beautiful.
Oh, this post made me so excited for my Visit in May! I really can't wait . I wish my girls were coming to see all the great museums.
As for Jackson Pollock... my kids did try that at home. I had set out some water colors one day after church for them to paint while I took a quick nap. They discovered a new painting style. The floors were a mess, one of the walls was a mess. But I was so happy to have a nap, I didn't mind the mess. It actually cleaned up quickly.
DC really is a great place with so many fun things to do. Have you made it to the National Zoo yet? It is one of our favorites!
Yes, yes, and yes. I am always telling craig about your DC adventures and how I would LOVE to live there. If he interviews out there, can we come stay with you?? Good for you, too, by the way--taking your kids out to see the world, it enriches them more than they'll ever realize.
Amy and I had 15 minutes to run into Paper Source in Berkeley before they closed. It was like "oh, what do I look at???" I was amazed how much damage I could do in 15 minutes though!
Quite the outing. I'm so jealous of your 73 degrees.
Loved looking through the photos. The one of Jeff and Sally Jane is priceless.
In a second I would visit! All places I have never seen and you guys make it look so good at the same time! I love your pictures!
Brilliant, Kristi! This is just what I was looking for from you! :) Thanks for all the great tips and beautiful pictures. You are building such a happy childhood for your girls. I really think that you could be happy living in any town with all the zest you have for getting out there and finding the good in each and every place.
Sounds like a fun day - and getting to top it all off with Paper Source. I buy all of my stuff from the same supplier they do, so now I can get my paper fix just walking into the office :-)
Wow, I am so lazy...
The picture of Jeff and Sally Jane looking at the airplane is amazing! It could win a contest.
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