I have a dream...
"Our lives begin to end the day we become
silent about things that matter"
"Our lives begin to end the day we become
silent about things that matter"
Today is the National celebration of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. If you have never read his speech or the history behind it, I encourage you to take 5 minutes of your day to do so. Click here. You can watch the speech here.
I would be curious what you learned from reading this but a few things that struck me were
- Southern representatives in Congress managed to block the bill in committee that the President was trying to pass. I was amazed that such educated men would fight this just 44 years ago.
- how different and better our country is today
- What a vision Abraham Lincoln had and what an effect him being assignated had on our country. (that would be one of my books I would love to write)
- that the most famous part of his speech was only given after someone yelled from the audience as he was getting ready to sit down, "Tell them about your dream Martin!"
- my favorite line of his speechI have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.
- I am positive that we was lead by the spirit to say what he said as it was not written down but drawn from memory of other talks and from his heart.

So here is my 11.5 yard ribbon reward (remember the 11 1/2 in honor of my size shoes)
To the first person that can answer these questions without google searching them I will send you 11.5 yards of luscious ribbon.
- What award did he win in 1964?
- He was the first black American to be honored on the cover of what magazine?
- What is he a Dr. of?
He won the award for the Nobel Peace Prize in 1964
He was first honored in Time Magazine.??
He is a doctor of Systematic Theology.
My ignorance is showing. You've stumped me on all three.
What award did he win in 1964? Nobel Peace Prize Dec. 10th as the youngest to receive it at age 35.
He was the first black American to be honored on the cover of what magazine? Time Magazine for "Man of the Year" Jan. 3rd, 1964.
What is he a Dr. of? Systematic Theology at Boston University, and received his Ph.D. in 1955.
I'm clueless, who knows these things.
It made me all teary that you took your little girls there today. That and the roses by the stone engraved with "I Have A Dream". Did you ever see the 4 year old girl on Oprah who could recite that speech from memory? It was amazing, and again ... got me all teary (could this be a trend???). Just to hear those words coming from a tiny voice - beautiful.
As I was about to accuse certain responders of cheating to answer the doctorate question, I laughed at the irony. One could argue that MLK cheated to achieve his doctorate, given that he plagiarized a third of his thesis, along with many of his other writings and speeches. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Martin_Luther_King%2C_Jr._authorship_issues
Not to shatter anyone's dream-- just pointing out that while MLK accomplished some incredible things, perfect he was not.
Even though I have been thinking about this all day, I still got a little teary reading your post. I LOVE the quote you put at the beginning -- amazing. I love that you were able to go to that very place today. Your little girls are going to be learning so much!
Kristi! Somehow I knew you wouldn't pass up the chance to be at the Lincoln Memorial today. What a great chance to teach your kids about the holiday!
Love the pictures!
Your pictures are so sweet and this post is so touching! What a fabulous way to spend the holiday.
I'm glad someone answered, I definitely would have had to use google.
i love that speech so much! and i think its so awesome that you could actually take your girls out to see the site where it all happened. i LOVE that last picture of the girls in front of the monument. it has such a sober and reflective quality to it. its beautiful.
I was hoping you would post about this today. I did notice the google design and thought it was so great. One of my favorites.
Rats - I'm too late for that contest! Oh, that ribbon is so tempting! Great post, Kristi. It was great that you took the girls to DC today. I wish we were just a bit closer. The 2 hour drive each way still poses its challenges with the boys. Anyway, your girls will not forget this (at least Annie Kate won't) and Martin Luther King Day will always mean just a little more to her, I imagine. I love that quote from his speech, too. That our children will be judged for their character is the great hope of us all. I agree - I think he was influenced by the Spirit also with that speech. I bet you are like me and wonder what it would have been like to have been there. He was amazing and we owe much to him.
Jenny, you are brilliant. You must have been listening much better in school than I was.
congrats, keep on eye on your mailbox!
Christina... how could I not reward such brilliance!
check your mailbox too!
Love the quote you used. It's awesome you are able to teach your girls in such an amazing place.
It has been good for me to remember and be grateful for our freedoms and opportunities.
does using my girls' "school books" count as cheating???
Christina, no way girl, just think how fun it will be to show the girls the ribbon you won from looking in their books. learning with our kids is the best part of learning.
I am super excited. I have never won a contest and to get winnings from Kristi's stash is definitely a double bonus. Thanks!!
Okay I had a history teacher that asked how many have seen a recording of the speech. About 4 hands went up in a room of 50 and it baffled me little because I was one of the 46.
He challenged us all to watch it. Since I have the speech on my Ipod as a video.
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