{Weekend Recap}
This often happens to me in blogging - I do something so great and wonderful and then postpone blogging about it because I don't want to miss documenting how wonderful it was, but then I put it off so long that I start to forget how wonderful it was. So here is my attempt to remember a much needed retreat for me.

My roommate in college grew up in the D.C. area. Emily (in the middle) is one of the most amazing people I know. She has an incredible memory, notices the small things in life, is very generous, has wonderful teeth, memorizes poetry, knows how to use a lacrosse stick, appreciates fine paper, uses every moment to teach her kids, travels the world, never brags even though she has many things to brag about, reads and reads, is a great listener even though she may not think she is, makes things look really cute, taught me how to ski (that story I will blog about someday, her and Jen deserve a medal!) ran a marathon, is politically involved, works with the youth in her church, appreciates good music and is #107 on my 100 list.
She and her (just as awesome) sister were in town this weekend and I was lucky enough to get to hang out with them and their (even more awesome) mom.
Friday we went to get Emily's visa's at the Chinese Embassy office for her awesome family vacation. Yes FAMILY vacation. She is taking her 4 kids to China this year. ( I am seriously rethinking our Disney Cruise for a trip to Thailand).

Saturday was filled with a trip to the Ribbon outlet and I have very bad news to share. After a recent article in the Washington Post about the hidden treasure they have doubled their prices! We were outraged by the price gouging. Still great deals but sad too. The previous $.25 bags of ribbon you stuff yourself ( you can get about 30 yards in) and now $1.00. But the $10.00 rolls are now $20.00. They were quite empty but it was still awesome.
Saturday ended with fun monogramming of $.97 scarfs from the GAP and once again engaging conversation and planning my Sunday lesson.

she is an amazing woman and now I know where Holly and Emily get it from. Thanks girls for a rejuvenating weekend!
Jeff was a total trooper and spent two days alone with the girls taking them out to dinner (went to Chipolte for the first time and when they found it was his first time they gave him his whole meal free as a way to thank him for coming in) and spent Saturday in Baltimore at the aquarium.

What a wonderful rejuvenating weekend. There is nothing better then old friends and good conversation.
Your photographs are wonderful as always.
How fun. It sounds like a wondeful weekend!. You look fantastic. Love the scarf.
thanks stacy. fifty cents at a garage sale baby!
Kristi you look great. I hope it won't be long before we reunite. I still remember Emily from your college days and can say she hasn't changed. P.S. my brother and family are doing the disney cruise as we speak. You'll have to compare trips before your decision! Love ya-heather
no kidding heather... I am due for a trip out there!!!
So you know I already sing the praises of another Davis sister. It sounds like y'all had a great weekend.
Your weekend with Emily, Holly and their mom sounds amazing. I'm so glad you got a whole weekend of great girl time. It's so refreshing to have long conversations, shopping and fun like that. Your pictures are beautiful.
When are Holly and Emily going to start blogs of their own???
I was sorry to get your update about the ribbon outlet. When we were there over Christmas break we noticed that the prices had definitely gone up - but not by as much as you found them. Hmmm, maybe we shouldn't have let so many people in on our find!
I know just what you mean about an afternoon with the davis family. Inspiring, encouraging and even a bit intimidating! I had lunch with this same group years ago as I was going through a difficult time and they bouyed my spirits and gave me strength. I'm thinking S-Hall mini-reunion...
I lived in D.C. for a year...a lifetime ago. Would love to wander Georgetown again sometime soon.
Girl weekends are so fullfilling and such a great escape. I'm glad you were able to get away and laugh and enjoy, you deserve it. I live for girl weekends.
I want to go to your ribbon outlet.
Uhm hello!? emily?! from MD, I totally remember her from forever ago. Remember when you taught me how to write a letter and it was to her? Send her to my blog, that would be the coolest, that is so cool you hung out.
What a wonderful weekend!
I'm amazed at how much Emily looks exactly the same as she did in college, yet at the same time she looks grown-up and so sophisticated. I am jealous of the catching up you got to do, and some great adult conversation.
So sad about the ribbon outlet prices...
Are you kidding?! Go to Thailand, of course. It will probably be cheaper at the end of the day and much more memorable.
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