journeyI emailed my friend Cyndy who has an amazing story that I asked for her to share on her blog, so that everyone could read it. I love her story/ journey. It will inspire you in many ways. It shows change is possible. We do have power over our own lives and that taking care of ourselves is one of the best thing we can do for our kids.
Take a minute to read it and leave her a comment and let her know how it affected you!
I tried to leave a nice long message but couldn't because I don't have a Blogger account. What a great story. I love Weight Watchers too!
That is an amazing story! So inspiring.
what a great story. i'm totally motivated for after i have this baby!
I also tried to leave a comment but couldn't. What an incredible story! I'm hoping I can have just a portion of the same results.
She's amazing!
I loved her story! I love WW. She is so cute.
Such an inspiring story- thanks for talking her into sharing it and in turn sharing it with us.
I agree with Hannah...the simple action of sharing a story like that can ripple out tremendously to help many more ppl. I've put weight on since I had Isla, but I'm not too concerned at the moment as I'm still breastfeeding her at 10months, so she takes priority!! But I'll hold this story up as proof that you can have babies and lose the weight!
Thanks for asking her to share this story with us. So many of us want to make changes to our lifes in this same way. It is great to hear a story from someone who has been there.
You know how I feel about WW. Such a great story!! Thanks for sharing the link!
Thanks Kristi for the nudge!!! The comments are sooo supportive and we can all use that!!!! I am sooo glad to know people are inspired from my story, but I think I have been the one who has recieved the most!!! Thanks Again!!
Thank you for sharing! I am always looking for another great success story! Thank you Cyndy and Kristi!
Amazing story. Having dealt with weight issues before I know how difficult it is to diet but I also know how rewarding and awesome it feels once some of the weight is gone. Thanks for sharing.
Thanks Kristi, what a great post from Cyndy, what a wonderful person.
What an inspiration. I think we can all relate to wanting the quick easy fix for problems in our lives. Thanks for encouraging her to share.
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