
Tuesday, June 05, 2007

my breakfast plan has changed
Warning to my brother Adam, you may fall off your chair when you read this

A few months ago I spent the day with an old (meaning former) college roommate, her mom and sister in Georgetown. It was a wonderful day. We had wonderful conversations and even though they didn't know it I was taking some serious mental notes.
At one point during the day their mom said to her girls, "take care of yourselves, get sleep and eat healthy" For some reason after that anytime their mom passed them advice my ears perked up and I hung on every word.
Sometime during the day I must have admitted to the three of them, my obsession with Diet Coke and Emily asked me if I drink it for breakfast. My first response was to tell her no, so that is what I said. But I thought about it later in the day and realized that maybe I was, but was not going to admit it out loud.
For some reason after that day I started paying attention to how much Diet Coke I was drinking... yikes. My brother Adam even teases me that I have a diet coke IV.
So fast forward the first of May. I get a kidney stone, in the middle of the night, while Jeff is out of town. It was definitely more painful than labor because I never never felt being in labor.
Thinking that anything I was doing could have brought that on - I quit cold turkey that night and am now over one month without a drop.
I have always been really jealous of my friend Jill who stopped drinking it because it gave her headaches and just never thought that could be me!

Before my diet coke friends dump me I will say that I am totally fine with anyone else drinking it and statistically have now idea how good or bad it is for you. I just know I feel a million times better. I just love knowing that I don't need that to get through my day. I drink so much more water and so do my kids. We have water bottles everywhere and I seem to find them in every cup holder in my car.

I am such an all or nothing type of person, the word moderation is tough for me practice. I think if i was to drink 3 oz I would got back to having it for breakfast. I am just so stinkin proud of myself for sticking to something even if right now it is only a month. Not to mention how much money I think I am saving a month. Between this and only having one kid in diapers, I feel a little more change in my coin purse.

big year for me so far.
  1. stopped biting my nails
  2. no more diet coke
  3. in the process of getting a passport
I can't wait to see what else i can do this year!

*** I do think their new ad is pretty fabulous though***


andrea said...

I used to be a big diet coke drinker but haven't touched the stuff in years. I don't have a problem with anybody else drinking it but know it's not for me.

andrea said...
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Ashley said...

I think I drink more coke than anyone and it hasn't killed me . . . YET. Congrats to you, though. As for Jill, my advice to anyone who gets coke headaches is that they aren't drinking enough coke.

everything pink! said...

Ashley, i did think of you when I was writing this and thought of you when I said my friends that drink diet coke and the headaches comment is cracking me up!

Anonymous said...

This is too funny/scary! Mark and I just stopped a month ago too! We felt like we were drinking to much soda pop and we wanted to drink more water but who wants to drink plain old water when you can have a Diet Coke or Diet Dr. Pepper? So we quit carbonation cold turkey. We are drinking lots more water and so is Ellie. And we feel rich since our dining out bills are literally cut in half! And we don't "accidentally" eat lots of french fries because they came with our combo meal that we ordered super sized to get the drink. Great mind think alike!

everything pink! said...

stacy that is so funny. I have replaced one addiction with another and we love that fruit water, oh it is yummy
and no kidding about the dining out meal. at one resturant my diet coke was $2.50. no wonder I would drink 10. i needed to get my money's worth. Waiters will love me more now because they won't have to fill my drinks all the time.

danielle said...

wow kristi.. never thought i'd see the day! haha

i'm so proud of you :)

michelle said...

Congratulations! Breaking two habits is no small accomplishment! I am a Diet Coke lover, but I usually only have one per day. I have no plans to give it up... yet. Although if drinking it is related to getting kidney stones, I may have to rethink!

Elizabeth said...

Something your friends Mom said to you all has stuck with me. The comment she made about not talking bad about yourselves and saying you are wonderful. I think of that often in my mothering.

everything pink! said...

elizabeth, i thihk it i so great you remembered that. it really hit me too.

carlo said...

great job, kristi! it is tough to give up soda but once you do it is a great feeling.

i don't have soda often but i am to the point now (after a few years) where i can have one as a treat and not feel sucked back into it. lol

now coffee is another story. you know how i feel about my coffee! :)

what fruit water is your fave??

stefanie said...

This is a big accomplishment, Kristi, congratulations. I am working on my Coke addiction. I have to do this gradually though... slowly weening myself off the caffeine.

Yesterday was the first day in a long time that I haven't had a coke to drink. What really excites me about that is I didn't wake up with a migraine this morning.

I am really impressed that you went cold turkey. You will have to treat yourself to something nice with all the money you have saved by not drinking Diet Coke anymore.

Heather said...

Wow, that is something to be proud of. I stopped cold turkey when I discovered I was pregnant with Natalie. Okay, I didn't decide...the kidney infection I got at 8 weeks decided for me. Yet somehow, here I am hooked again. I am down to 2 a day, but am working towards 0.

Elisa said...

I just gave up pop (Dr. Pepper mostly) for nursing...for some reason being pregnant is never enough motivation but if anything ANYTHING might be keeping my baby up at night it's gone! I am proud of myself too! Unfortunately, I think I am replacing all my pop calories with cracker and cookie calories. Thats the next battle:)

Rachel said...

As I sit here at 8:30 in the morning, checking blogs and sipping my Diet Coke, I'm feeling a little sheepish. I am a huge ADDICT! 2 cans for breakfast! Can you believe it. Maybe it's time for a self-examination! Ha!

Lacie said...

I stopped drinking sodas when I found out I was expecting my first child-cold turkey! Now 3 years later I am able to have one every now and then (I am a all or nothing girl too!) However, I am sooo in love with sweet tea now! I try to make decaf. so I don't feel so bad drinking all that SUGAR!

melanie said...

Good for you Kristi! I usually only drink Diet Coke if it is around and I never buy it. When my mom is in town she stocks my fridge for herself (she has an iv as well) and then I start drinking it again. I always feel so much better when I'm off of it.

Jill said...

Good for you, I had no idea you quit cold turkey like that. It liberating to be free of it isn't it even though it's sad not to have it any more. After I stopped I realized how much my days revolved around it. I had it for breakfast, mid morning snack, lunch, and so on. It's frightening when I think about it now. Ashley's comment about me not drinking enough of it is something I would have said myself, I concluded it was the aspartame that was giving me the headaches after reading a book about headaches.

Price Cream Parlor said...

Congrats! That photo is so dang funny! I had to forward it on to a friend that does drink a twelve pack HERSELF each day.
That is fantastic that you did your nails this year and....did the coke thing cold turkey. I am sure, no easy task.
I am not a soda drinker. I live large when I have root beer with my pizza once in a while!
Water is my best friend!

Liz said...

Good for you!!! I almost never drink carbonated beverages, I don't really like them. I love water!!

Michelle Alley said...

So happy you made that decision for yourself. I've cut back by buying a caffiene free case and a regular diet case and swapping them every other time I want a coke. It works, except when I'm at a restaurant, I'll probably always order at least a soda. What are your plans for your soon to be new passport?

Shauna said...

Kristi-This is uncanny- you should see what I posted this morning before running out to the beach. Yep- we gave up Coke (you Diet, be regular) together!!! We can do it!

Shauna said...

I meant to say me, not be..oops

jenny said...

I will admit I wish I would go without it, but it serves as my treat for the day. Who knows maybe I'll jump on the bandwagon one day. I do really wish I drank more water. It does wonders for the skin!

Anonymous said...

You wouldn't be a Cutler if you weren't in LOVE with the Diet Coke!

Amanda said...

This is such a struggle for me right now! I go through phases (like the one I'm in right now) where I have one for breakfast and in the afternoon when I get to the ornery part of the day. Then, there are times (like when I'm pregnant) where I can just quit cold turkey. Good for you for doing it. I'm sure I'll quit again sometime.....

Kelly said...

I find drinking it triggers the cravings for junk food for me. It is easier to stay good in all my eating if I don't drink the stuff. But ooh, love the burn!

Amanda :-) said...

Blimey, is it really possible to kick a habit like that? I nearly said 'drink habit' but that's not quite right, is it? 'Kristi's drinking habit' - eeek!

I'm totally addicted to instant sachets of Mocha coffee at the moment. I wake up with a real craving for it, and I know it's full of complete garbage.

And I'm not a big water drinker. Right, next week I'll give the fruit water thing a go and see if I can fill myself so full of water that I can't possibly fit a manky coffee in!

Well done, well done! It's important to set an example for our kids, isn't it? You've done really well. *chink* of water glasses!