Proud little girl.
So two days before the Marathon (and yes I still have a few more posts and can't stop thinking or talking about it) Annie Kate told my neighbor that she knew Jeff was going to get a medal but didn't know if I was. I had been saying that I had to finish in 7 hours and was thinking my time would be about 6:30 - so I was so worried that if something went wrong I only had 30 minutes to play with before they shut down shop. So, Annie Kate told my neighbor, "but if my mom gets a medal I am going to wear it to school on Monday" talk about the pressure, I thought about this on mile 1 and mile 14 when I was ready to quit.

Annie Kate did a little interview of Jeff and I last night and was excited to share with her class our medals and interview.
Here was the interview and answers:
Was the marathon what you imagined?
Jeff: it was sort of what I imagined.
Kristi: is was more than what I imagined.
How many water tables did you estimate would be there?
Jeff: 50 tables
Kristi : 20 tables
What did the people say to you when you were running?
Jeff: Good pace, keep it up full (all the full marathon runners had a sticker on their back that said Full so they knew who was running the half and the full, and Jeff said when the half came into the full route they would help and encourage the full knowing they had just ran 13 miles already)
Kristi: run 568 you can do it!
What mile did you feel it starting to hurt?
Jeff: mile 15
Kristi mile 14
How did you feel at the end of the race?
Jeff: exhausted, tired legs and light headed
Kristi: proud, emotional and so happy
oh this just melted my heart when she wrapped up her interview and medals to take to school! I would do it all over again just for how proud she has been of us.
I still have a few more posts about the big day, but if you want to ask me any questions feel free and I would love to answer them because I just can't stop thinking about it!
Also, kind of funny Tasha called today and left me a nice message and said, "why doesn't your machine say, you are calling the home of the marathon finishers?" so i took her advice and for the rest of the day it will!
now that is icing on the cake! you can see pride on her face for BOTH of you!!!!!!!
just priceless...what a great example you are giving your girls
I love the picture of her with your medals!!
Training a year for a marathon- exhausting
Finishing 26.2 miles in under 7 hours - exhilarating
Seeing Annie Kate with your medals and a huge smile on her face- Priceless
Kristi, will you keep running? Would you ever want to run another one?
How did I not know you were running a marathon? That is so awesome! I would love to do that one day...you should be so proud of yourself!!! I think that is so neat.
adorable. i'm glad you can't stop talking about it!!
and for my question, did you really, REALLY go from being a non-runner to a marathon-runner in just 6 months?!?!?!
Lelly, I can answer that question and vouch for Kristi. She was and never had been a runner. We are as flabbergasted at her accomplishments as she is. And we are as proud of her and Jeff as Annie Kate is!!! We also can't stop smiling here in New Mexico.
Kristi's Mom
congrats in your run!!! MY first was really very cool but can I just say that marathon #2 and #3 have gotten even better...I have slept better, trained better, and truly I'm changing so much about my physical body.
I hope you do another one...not that you wouldn't, but it really just keeps getting better...at least for me!
Kristi - I am with you. Just keep talking about it! You are awesome!
I have a question. Do you think you'll do it again?
I love this interview! Looks like a great time, Kristi! SO PROUD OF YOU! Honestly - tell us how you did it in less then a year?
amazing.. really it is just amazing.. that you did that.. how incredible! I would totally be crying.. way before the finish line! maybe around mile 2!
okay my question... I hope this isn't too much info.. but I wonder about potty breaks? you have to take them right? do they just have bathrooms along the way? how often do you have to go? or do you just sweat it all out? you don't have to answer this... but I am a bit curious!
way to go.. and that is neat your husband was called to serve as a ym pres. I am sure he will do great. I love how you look at the distance as just a hurdle.. how neat to have the family of the newly released couple there.. I can imagine the reverance for that moment of introduction!
sweet.. very sweet! thanks for sharing about the downtown branch.. or is it a ward? anyway.. I tell you those are my favorite posts of yours!
so sweet. i love that she interviewed you. i totally know the feeling of having so much to say about the experience! i still feel like i'm going to burst a week later! :)
She is adorable! And so proud! Great moment I am sure!!
What brand/style of tennis shoes did you end up buying after the troubles you had with your feet?
I am also amazed that you did this without an ipod. WOW!! What was the reasons for not being able to have one? I can not even walk my three miles without mine!
I love the interview with AK! What a cute idea! She looks so proud with the medals on!
It's so cute that Annie Kate interviewed you guys and took your medals to school to show off. If I had run a marathon I'd be hobbling around the neighborhood showing off my medal!
I've been reading your blog for a while (found you off Jill's blog & my friend Wendi's blog). I just read your marathon journal from START to FINISH. WOW. I'm a dork, I know, but it made me cry! You are amazing. I love, love, love to run, but short distances only. I've always hated the idea of a marathon, but your training journal made me want to do one!
And, by the way, you look so pretty in all your photos. I love the one of you crying across the finish line!
Congratulations!! That's such an amazing accomplishment. Your daughter is darling! That interview is priceless.
How wonderful to watch her excitement for you. Totally cool. You know she is going to remember this as an adult and know she can accomplish things, right?
I had no idea that you were running a marathon. Way to go girl. You are my motivation. I have always wanted to but thought to myself there is just no way I would finish. You shouldn't stop talking about it. That is a huge accomplishment. Be proud of yourself!! Congratulations.
That is just the cutest thing. Good thing you were able to get two medals in your family!
Great interview.
I am curious about....
What did you eat for breakfast that kept you going for 6 hours? Did you ever get light headed or feel like you were going to faint.
What did you do with your stuff? You started with the body armor and gloves, do you just ditch your stuff on the side of the road?
Did you ever start to cry when people called out to encourage you? (I start to cry just thinking about it)
Bathrooms? Potty breaks? Or does your body just go into survival mode?
I realize that these are super trivial questions, I'm just curious.
I wish I could call your house just to leave a message and hear that! My message would say 'Kristi you are my hero and inspiration' really it's true.
The interviews were great. How awesome that Annie Kate could take your medals to schools and do the interview!
I love the interview and that the feeling is lasting all week!
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