Ribbon Sticks
Annie Kate and I spent some time making some Ribbon Sticks today to give as gifts. We just used the inside of a paper towel holder and wrapped a couple yards of each color on it. then wrapped it in cellophane. (I swear anything looks good wrapped in cellophane) Then tied the ends with more ribbon. this is a much better presentation then my normal shove as much as you can into a cereal box.
All hail the ribbon QUEEN! I love this idea! This might be a great way for me to attempt to organize my goodness - but this is certainly a fantastic way to present such a lovely gift of textile wonderment!
It IS pretty! But I still loved the box of ribbon I got...it just kept streaming out!
Great idea! I love wrapping with cellophane too. But, I still like that you sent me ribbon in a salad container!
so cute. you could sell those...
I dunno....I kind of like the cereal box.
The ribbon bows at either end of the stick is my favorite part of the presentation. Those bows are yummy!
Those are so beautiful, and what a great gift! I have thought so often "I wish Kristi was my neighbor."
This is BEAUTIFUL. I wish I lived by a ribbon outlet, but I know the real point for me to get here is that you have taken the advatage you have (ribbon outlet) and turned it into something great. I need to reevaluate my own advantages and see what I can do with them.
I think you're right, everything does look better wrapped in cellophane, but ribbon looks fantastic!
How cute it that!! Love it!
Those are SO cute!
I love your ribbon and your new presentation!
adorable as usual!
Fantastic idea. Beauty!
To of my favorites rolled up into one -- cute ribbon and creative packaging! Love it!
What a cute and fun package!!!
I love this idea. I am going to use this for sure!
Cellophane is just gorgeous stuff, isn't it? I've been to a florists' cash and carry place near here that has reams and reams of printed cellophane. It's just dreamy!!
I love this idea. It's nice that you were able to do something like this with AK.
That's brilliant! I love it...hope you don't mind if I steal your idea.
Oh too cute! You're right, cellophane makes anything even cuter. But I did love my m&m bag of ribbon...
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