A week of Thanksgiving!Wow where do I begin. We had an incredible week in South Carolina on the beach. We met up with my Jeff's brother and wife from California for a relaxing wonderful week. this may sound a little like the academy awards here, but I am very THANKFUL to those who made that possible. (and you know who you are!)
We started out the week finding our very good friends from school in New Orleans. We had not seen them in years and had never been to their home in North Carolina. (The photo above is their front door. Thanks to Jill who came up with the great idea of taking photos of objects and putting them on the front of the card, I took a photo to make a card that says, "Thanks for opening your door to us")

Jeff and Jeremy grew up together in Seattle and then ended up in graduate school all the way in
Louisiana. Our friendship with them is one of the biggest blessings in my life.

Being in
Krissy's home was dreamy. Not only because it is beautiful but because I seriously walked around with a pad and paper and wrote down everything she does, recipes she cooks, dishes she has, the milk steamer she uses, I could not stop writing. She does not look a day different then when I met her in 1996.

It is always fun to watch your kids play together, especially when they had never met and became fast friends. Their son was teaching Annie Kate to fish on their dock.

Krissy took me down the road from her home to the Furniture mart - OH MY! We made a fast hour run through what could take you days to see it all. It was pretty incredible. They do free shipping twice a year and oh my so worth it if you are hunting for furniture. It is interesting because I had spent the week before we left trying to find
mattress's for a new family of 5 in our church congregation. I almost felt a little bit guilty even looking while thinking of this family who has so little. Again our church service has so changed me in many ways.

We made it to the beach and swam every day in the pools. The morning after we got there our entire family was in the outdoor heated pool at 8:00 am, I am sure waking everyone up.

the view of the pool from our room on the morning of the free breakfast.
So here is our week, in no order, because that would take me too long to sort out.
What I was thankful for on our trip...
Having an afternoon in Savannah, Georgia and being reminded of New Orleans while we were there.

eating lunch on the corner of Whitaker and Congress. Do you know what
restaurant that is???

yep. Ms. Paula Dean.

Thankful for eating yummy fried chicken, the best BBQ I have ever had and yummy sweet

I was thankful for having the coolest brother in law who got us in with only an hour wait.

Thankful to see Caroline be just like me and pick up acorns on the streets of Savannah because she is going to go home and make something.

her acorn stash. Note the kitty in hand.

thankful the only cool pair of shoes that I own were on that day on the cool cobble stone streets.

thankful for fun moments when Sally Jane and I found a dying butterfly in the ocean and raced it back to Annie Kate to blow the water off the wings to try to save it's life.

we are not so sure it made it.

thankful to have Jeff with us all week and no more thanksgivings with him not around and at work.

thankful for the night Annie Kate and I went to the beach for "just a minute" and saw all the dolphins swim by.

thankful to see Caroline so Happy! nothing makes that girl happier than being in water.

thankful to David for being such a great uncle and swimming with my kids when I was to tired to do so.

thankful for being at such a beautiful place, it was heavenly. The beach was right behind the pool. (again I repeat my
academy award speech!)

thankful for
Lelly who taught me the world of
SPT and that if I am ever going to be in photos with my kids I will have to take them

thankful for Caroline who finally got over her obsession to have her feet constantly clean. She is truly raised by her dad who lives in a sterile field.

thankful for a camera who does all the work for me and can take photos fast enough to get her jumping in the air for joy.

Thankful for Annie Kate's birthday. She turned 9 the day after Thanksgiving.

she wanted a Redskins jersey so bad and was thrilled to open it. She is currently memorizing the names and numbers of the team. I got the only shirt on the rack #89. She said to me mom, "I am sure you got it because I am 8 turning 9" I didn't but thought it was a compliment that she thought I was that creative.

thankful for the second year in a row to celebrate
AK's birthday with her darling, fun, young and ever so hip Aunt.

Thankful for Thanksgiving morning to do a Turkey Trot 5k together.

it was a
Piggly Wiggly
sponsored event so we got fun t-shirts.

not so thankful for how it turned out for me - the first 35 seconds of running my left leg totally cramped up and I could seriously not run. I am sure at this point David and
Lenessa were questioning my marathon photos. I ended up walking, barely, the whole thing.

thankful that Annie Kate got her first of many race experiences. She beat all of us. too bad i was 2 miles behind her and didn't get to see her finish. She just rocks!
no photo, but thankful for out thanksgiving dinner that we spent with our D.C. next door neighbors who we have never eaten dinner with at home, but they live in Hilton Head half the year and they doubled their numbers by having our 7 over. I love those people and again have been blessed by living by the best neighbors ever! (I still really miss my Tennessee neighbors a ton)

thankful for the Salt Dog Cafe and the yummy ever so yummy...

hush puppies that they make with syrup in the batter. we even
ordered a take home box, that barely made it home uneaten.

thankful for little Sally Jane who will always be the baby in our family and loves to be thrown in the air!

thankful for dang great relatives! David and
Lenessa the family is going to start fighting over who gets to go on vacation with you. Could you be any easier to be around??

thankful just breathing the beach air - it was so windy I could barely see through my hair.

thankful for my kids to see great
examples of the love between siblings.

thankful for kids with freckles.

thankful for kids who always have something in their hand

thankful for being a mom. And David taking a photo of me that is not a Self Portrait.

thankful for my kids having an aunt who is hip and cool and always hugs them even when she may want her persoanal space.

thankful for my pink swim suit that i will wear till it rips in half, then i will sew it together and duck tape it together.
Hilton Head we loved you!
Absolutely perfect post! (I didn't think Academy Awards at all.) I see someone that is deeply grateful for her blessing (and trials) and loves her family. You captured it all! I'm so glad everyone had such a good time! I love every photo, the smiles are evident of the good times that were had.
I really enjoyed reading that Kristi. Your vacation sounds absolutely divine. :)
What wonderful moments you had. And what magical memories you just created for your girls.
I am so disappointed that we never made it to the Carolinas when we were living relatively close.
What a great trip!
Isn't Savannah dreamy? Its awesome.
Glad you are back!
Wow! That looks and sounds like an amazing vacation. You have a beautiful family. I love that your daughter ran the 5k with you. I am sorry you got hurt.
I love reading your blog and I am so glad you joined us!
oh Kristi what a fantastic post...it made me soo happy that my face hurts from smiling. I loved it. I love that you are soo grateful for little things that matter sooo much, like the photo of you andyour daughter that your huband took...and your hair looks amazing too...I am telling you having hair around you face is just a nice thing...i am tired of putting it back ina bun...you always compliment my hair, but truly...I have to work hard to make it look good. I guess PUTTING THE TIME...which i DON'T OFTEN!...wow what a nice vacation and family.
What a wonderful post for thanksgiving. I love all the photos. I'm sure the most important part of your awsome photos are you the photographer, but I have to ask what camera do you use? I'd really like to get away from my point and shoot one. Any suggestions?
I love the way you documented this trip, Kristi. Your ideas for journaling/blogging are so fresh and fun. In fact, I've suggested the way you organized your Europe trip (food one day, transportation another, where you slept another) to scrapbookers and they're trips have turned out really neat. I really like the idea of journaling your trip through the eyes of thankfulness, too. It puts a whole different look to some of the pictures.
And the ending video? Could it have been more perfect?
Flip, there's so much there to get excited about. I can see now why you were so charged-up about it all.
AK's hilarious with her numbers. Really, I think she adores number combinations, doesn't she? After the football debacle, remember?
Her freckle picture is adorable. I LOVE her coat so much!
Your portrait that David took. People probably don't realise how much we mums really treasure these snaps that ppl take of us. It took him a second to click the shutter but it's just a lifetime of joy for you.
And the video clip. Argh, things like that give me a lump in my throat!
I know it's just a peep at a vast array of images and experiences, but it's fabby. You put me to shame that I've still not posted about our holiday back in August.
This seriously looks like the best vacation ever. How cool to be able to look at the myriad of pictures you too and come back with so much to be thankful for. I was smiling the whole way through.
I love the post! We mad a spur of the moment trip to Alabma and had such a great time. I think I will post pic like you did. THat is a great idea!!
Thanks for being an inspiration!
sounds like an amazing vacation - the perfect getaway. love all of your photos and all of the grins on everyone's faces!
What a great recap of your Thanksgiving! It sounds like it was so much fun!!
P.S. Ben and I spent a few days of our honeymoon in Savannah. We loved it, and felt like when we moved to New Orleans that they were both similar. Such a beautiful Southern town!
what precious photos and memories you make! it is obvious the gratitude you haveto those in your life-and yes...i agree your are looks awesome, not to mention the adorable red shoes!
i mean hair!!!!!!
So glad you had a fun trip. It looks like a wonderful place, and the beach is dreamy. Happy that you had good weather as well. The pictures tell a wonderful story, and your comments were terrific. We love you all!!
Such wonderful photos!!!!
Glad you had a good Thanksgiving trip:)
Oh Kristi, this post was a true joy to read. I am so glad you and your family had such a wonderful time at Hilton Head--seems like a wonderful getaway place!
I LOVE all you pictures and the way you described everything--the message and beachy sounds on the video--right before the tide swept in--perfect ending!
that is a lot of things to be thankful for-- you are a lucky gal!
your pics bring a smile to my face. and i can *hear* your smile through your words.
glad you had a good family vacation. that is fab!
What a fun and fabulous week with your family! Right now that vacation you took is my dream vacation! You got to eat at Paula Deen's restaurant!
WOW! Looks like a great time with some great people! I am loving the photos and will try to remember to be IN the photo with my littles! What I love about your family photos is everyone looks HAPPY and loved. What a blessing that is!
Sounds like a fantastic vacation! I am jealous that you got to visit the Lady and Son's. I love Paula Deen! Rich and I plan to visit Savannah one day soon.
That photo of AK in her winter coat is gorgeous. I can't get over how that precious girl has grown!
great recap! Fun to see the Johnsons! sounds like an amazing vacation. when do we get to do one of those with you?
Loved this post! Your pictures were beautiful! I loved your list of blessings. And I am so jealous of the vacation. It sounded so wonderful.
So many great pictures and best of all - what great memories :)
Oh so cute. We seriously had so much fun, all week long. We second every thankful thought, and every good time. Think how bored we would have been without kids to throw around and paint with, and without you two to chat with until way too late at night! We second the academy award speech as well. And thanks for the awesome beach pics, those turned out AWESOME! They are true to the good times had. Love you!
I loved every bit of it. It looks to me like your vacation in SC was as magical as ours was! And could that video be any cooler??
This place looks so amazing, I'd be giving a gushing Academy Award speech too! You guys are definitely blessed.
I love all of your photos and think you do such a great job of capturing all the details. You look so pretty in your wind-blown, beach self-portrait. I'm so glad we're all addicted to self-portraits now, they make everything more fun and it's so nice to be included in the record of our life!
what a fun vacation! love the last little video post.. what timing! what a life you are blessed to live! it is really a blessing that you really see it is that!
I also love the photo note card, and what a beautiful door!
Looks like a great holiday.
Happy late birthday Annie Kate-I just remembered that we almost share a birthday! Your trip sounds heavenly-one I have always wanted to do!
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