Do I dare say I owned this year more than any other year of my life. This year was amazing. I fell in love with my city more than ever, I learned the value of service and diversity, I made good use of my feet, I made many new friends, I cried a lot, traveled the world, played in the snow and on the beach, I hugged my kids more this year than ever. I promised myself last new years eve that I would not let another year slip by out of my life where I had any regrets. No regrets this year! Here is my 2007 questionnaire.2007 I owned you!
1. What did you do in 2007 that you’d never done before? I stopped biting my nails and went the whole year without picking back up the disgusting habit. I think this may actually stick with me
for the record I still can't touch my toes
2. Did you keep your new year’s resolutions, and will you make more for next year? I didn't make any specific Resolutions but my word of the year changed my life! And am excited to make a post about my new word. (note to self finish writing about Christmas first!)![](http://happytrails.smugmug.com/photos/145023509-S.jpg)
3. Did anyone close to you give birth? I have to say yes and yes and yes. I feel like I am so behind on baby gifts. This year brought Lyla, Roman and Scarlett to name a few.
4. Did anyone close to you die? Jeff's Grandpa died. Our whole family not being at the funeral still kind of hurts my heart. Annie Kate wanted to go so bad that she offered to pay for half her plane ticket and brought Jeff $75 hoping that would cover part of it. That memory of her that night wanting to go will be a highlight of my year. I am glad they both were able to be there. She still talks about it.
Truly one of the best day's of my whole year.
6. What would you like to have in 2008 that you lacked in 2007? Memorize the Gettysburg Address and start and finish a pieced quilt. Two nights before the New Year I had the Gettysburg address printed out and was sitting in bed at midnight trying to memorize it. Jeff turned off the light and said, "it is not going to happen this year" I started laughing because it did feel a little like cramming for a test.
The runners who were running the full marathon had a sticker on their back that said Full as the Half marathoners had one that said half. As you would run the crowd would scream "go full". I loved having that full sticker on my back and have it up in my bedroom. T his day was seriously one of the best of my life!![](http://happytrails.smugmug.com/photos/165566045-S.jpg)
7. What dates from 2007 will remain etched upon your memory, and why?![](http://happytrails.smugmug.com/photos/165566045-S.jpg)
October 13, 2007 -
8. What was your biggest personal achievement of the year? 26.2 baby!
9. What was your biggest failure?
I think I failed in not getting more sleep this year, I always need more sleep.
10. Did you suffer illness or injury? my kidney stone would have been my biggest illness this year - my feet killing me all summer would be my injury - but worth every bit of pain!
11. What was the best thing you bought? the $65 entrance fee to the marathon.
12. Whose behavior merited celebration?
Caroline no longer wearing diapers. 2 down 1 to go!!
13. Whose behavior made you appalled and depressed? i think i am most disappointed in how a trend in country supports not supporting our leaders so publicly in the media.
This year our President was George W. Bush.
14. Where did most of your money go? yikes i don't know if i want to answer this one, but whatever it was it was probably pink, but I am happy to say thanks to Jill a lot of my money went to the US Postal Service! Thanks Jill you have really started a movement.
15. What did you get really, really, really excited about? dancing and singing with the Jonas Brothers and Hannah Montana on the lawn of the White House.
and having dinner at the Argentine Embassy with all the return missionaries from Argentina
17. Compared to this time last year, are you: a) happier or sadder? b) thinner or fatter? c) richer or poorer? i am happier about many things, sadder about a few things, I am not any thinner or fatter but in much better shape, richer in many spiritual ways but if I keep shopping at wild oats i will be poorer.
18. What do you wish you’d done more of? visiting teaching. I didn't have anyone assigned to me this year because of our calling downtown, I really missed it.
19. What do you wish you’d done less of? I can not think of anything for this one yet....
20. Did you fall in love in 2007?
yes I fell in love with a new ward in the city who changed my life forever!
21. What was your favorite TV program? I actually don't like admitting that I like TV, but I do. I think my favorite program was the shows that Annie Kate and I watched together, American Idol, Dancing with the Stars and Kid Nation. It wasn't that I really like the shows as much as I did when Annie kate would get so excited to pop popcorn and watch them together.
22. Do you hate anyone now that you didn’t hate this time last year? YES! It think I hate the person that invented Dunkin Donuts White Hot Chocolate, because I am totally addicted.
Tell My story too. It is a compilation of pioneer stories and is amazing. If you ever think you have had a bad day, just read a chapter of this book.
24. What was your greatest musical discovery?
it would have to be the CD "Trek, A Nashville's tribute to the Pioneers"
25. What did you want and get?
I wanted to get my passport in time to go to Europe and I did. This year was a piece of history as there was a mad rush for people to get passports to travel anywhere outside of the US
26. What did you want and not get? I wanted a Diet Coke every single day since I quit drinking in on May 5th, but have resisted the temptation. I wonder if i will ever wake up not wanting one. I will let you know next year.
27. What was your favorite film of this year? Paper Clips - documentary on the Holocaust.
28. What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you?
It turned 36 and was humbled by my front doorstep.
It turned 36 and was humbled by my front doorstep.
29. What one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying?
If I would have sat down with someone and really shared my testimony of my church.
30. How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2007?
Brooks tennis shoes, endurance fabrics, my pink swim suit, crocs, REI green jacket, Pink Fleece and a new pair of white pj's from target. And then the last few months I wore my marathon shirt with total pride at least ever other day!![](http://happytrails.smugmug.com/photos/146648941-S.jpg)
If I would have sat down with someone and really shared my testimony of my church.
30. How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2007?
Brooks tennis shoes, endurance fabrics, my pink swim suit, crocs, REI green jacket, Pink Fleece and a new pair of white pj's from target. And then the last few months I wore my marathon shirt with total pride at least ever other day!
Good, good post! I loved to read your year in review. It really was a great year for you! Oh, and the Diet Coke cravings? So far (I gave it up at the end of February last year) no, I still want one every day! Here's to another great year!
That was a fun questionnaire! I might have to copy it. What an amazing year for you! I am most amazed that you gave up coke and at all the packages you got for your birthday.
Loved the questioner with all the great answers. What a great way to look back at the year.
This is such a great post, everyone should do this (even if it takes weeks to create) because it's so informative, beneficial and inspiring.
You had a really great year! Wow, to have traveled to all those countries, trained for and completed a FULL marathon, served so many people, potty trained Caroline, and so on...it's all amazing.
Also, I'm 2 years and 2 months off Diet Coke and I still want it!!
WOW! Your one amazing woman!! Can I be like you? What a wonderful 2007!!
Very inspiring!!
Awesome post Kristi - It is amazing how someone I only "met" a couple months ago by way of blogworld can inspire me. I can't for your new word!
I would say you owned 2007 for sure! You inspired me all along the way -- I am just amazed and impressed with everything you did last year. Way to go! (and thanks for sharing all of it with us!)
What a fantastic year for you! One day you and your family will really come to appreciate how much of your fantastic year was documented (probably even more so than you do now). Way to go!
amazing year! I am inspired.
Kristi- you had an awesome year...so fun to look back on everything. I can see why you have no regrets! hope 2008 is just as fulfilling (strange that is spelled that way..) now if I could only inspire myself to do a fraction of what you do for others that would be a great achievement. Way to go!--heather cook
Kristi, it was fun sharing your success with you...thank you for including us all along the way...other than that secret you kept for SIX MONTHS! What a fun year to read about, thanks for sharing it with us.
kristi, you rock! i love that you have no regrets. you make it easier for me to think about moving to an entirely new and unfamiliar place b/c you have done it so well- i will remember your experiences as we embark on our own move this summer!
This was such a fun post to read, Kristi! Very revealing and my oh my, what an incredible year! Good luck on topping it in 2008 - heehee!:)
What an amazing and full year you've had! My kids are especially jealous of the Jonas Brothers/ Hannah Montana concert! So fun! Thank you for sharing.
Do you know that you are just SO inspiring? Wow. Thanks for being such a great motivator for those of us who you'll likely never know but love your blog!!
What an excellent review!! You are so right--2007 was YOUR year, girl. I think it's important to look back as we begin a new year--you had a very full one that must have been very rewarding.
just fab kristi. your year has been an amazing thing to follow. thanks for sharing it with us
Kristy- you are an amazing person. You have inspired me to "stretch" myself. I love your blog!!!
I loved your post. A day in the year of Kristi. You are an inspiration to me.
Yes, You owned the year.You have been an inspiration to me and many others! I am happy I found your blog. Love the questions.
Happy New Year!
I tried to find that book to put on my good reads 'to read' list but I couldn't find it there. It must be a church bookstore book?
What an amazing year!! You've worked so hard and it certainly paid off. This is such a beautiful post.
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