Why is your blog called Everything Pink?

I remember thinking what would I call it if I did start one. I can remember the exact spot where I was when I came up with Everything Pink. I was walking the girls in the stroller in the Fieldstone Farms Park in Franklin Tennessee. At the time I had just had my third girl about 10 months prior. I could make a long story out of having the third girl and the first thing everyone asks you is, "so are you going to try for a boy?" Jeff and I have always felt very content with our all girl family and honestly have never even asked our self that question. As I was walking I remember thinking it was perfect that everything in our home is pink - it seems like the perfect fit. ( I often wonder if I have all girls so that some poor girl would not have to plan her wedding with me as her mother in law - I am sure I have potential to be a controlling perfectionist)
I remember walking as fast as I could home (this was back before I could run) to look up the name Everything Pink. It was already taken. I was disappointed. So my web address is Everything is Pink, yet I kept the Everything Pink name.
It is amazing to me how perfect that name has been for my blog. I never ever thought I was good at writing. Not sure I think I am now, I just know I am not afraid to write anymore. I never thought of myself as having as positive attitude as I do now. My blog has become my life through my eyes as if Everything is Pink.
But don't be fooled.

if I would have had a blog the 10 years prior to that this is likely what it would have been called. Everything Sinks. I probably should have called Jill years before.
Thanks Lelly for the weekly challenge and thanks Jill for causing me to change my life! I owe you!
First- YES
Kristi- I love your everything Pink positive attitude- it's contagious- thanks- pj
Oh Kristi, you kill me. . . everything stinks! We love our pink Cutler girls!!!
Lucky thing Jill got us all hooked!
Great story! You just made me realize there is a phone call I need to make to someone from too many years past!
The mother-in-law wedding thing is hilarious! I want to see what you do for your girl's weddings. Any ideas yet?
Amazing what a little perception change does. I love Everything Pink/Everything Stinks...one or the other should sum up every day!
What a fun story! You have definitely caused me to see more things as "pink" rather than "stink!"
Thanks so much for the card and ribbon you sent me, it came at a perfect time when I really needed something pink in the mail, if ya know what I mean!
OK~I completely thought some other reason! Great story! I've been thinking lately~a great blog entry for you & jill (because I'm nosey) would be how you met/became friends b/c every where I look (blogwise) you two are there! You know everyone!
Thanks for sharing!
oh i love the pink about you!
and i am so happy to have found you...
I love the story of your blog history. I love your blog. Thank you for opening yourself up with your rosy (hey, it's a shade of pink, right?) perspective!
ashley, of course I have books in the wings for the three weddings i will be planning, well, i think i may only have two weddings as i don't think jeff will ever let go of his Sally Jane.
autumn, my blogography is in my draft as we speak getting ready to get posted.
Isn't that wonderful how good friendships can be picked up again and rekindled with a little bit of nurturing?!?
I'm so glad you are in BlogWorld, you ARE making an impact.
I'm also glad that everything turned out pink, instead of stink. Pink is a state of mind.
THis was totaly fun to read. I am glad you shared your story about Jill and how you mended your friendship. That is really great. I love the everything pink. Unfortunatly My Livy is the only one who shares in my love for pink. Ashley, my other daughter is into blue now. I could totaly see myself being the control freak when it comes to planning my kids weddings and what not. I already do and have to try hard to step back.
Ok, Everything Stinks, is cracking me up!
I can't imagine how cool it would be to get a phone call from an old friend you hadn't heard from in a decade. Great call, I'd say!
This was fun to read, Kristi. I'm glad you made the turnaround, on most days at least, from everything stinks to everything pink! I'm so glad our friendship has been rekindled as well -- hooray for blogging!
p.s. I love your word "blogography" and am anxious to read it!
I love your story of how making that one call changed you...so fantastic for me to remember in my own life. I love your blog & the enthusiasm for life that pours out of it. Thanks for sharing so much!
Making one call that changed your life is AWESOME! I have always liked your blog title- your girls, YOU :)
i love that you have created a pink place in the blogosphere. i totally agree that blogging helps me to feel more positive, and challenges me to put stuff out there. truly life changing...
Everything stinks is so funny!
I'm so glad you called that day too, what a difference you have made for me these past 2 years!
Kristi, I remember first meeting you, when you just had Annie Kate, and you said that you hated the color pink. AK didn't have any pink outfits and the first pink outfit was something from Jeff's mom. I remember you were working on some special quilt and you went and bought that same exact outfit to put in the quilt for AK's square. And now here you are with literally "Everything Pink". I think it is great. It is so fun to keep in touch with you now through blogging!
i love your everything pink way of life - it makes everyone feel happy and you ARE a great writer!
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