If you are ever....

in Washington D.C. on Martin Luther King Day. Stop by the Lincoln Memorial.
Find the spot where he stood to give his speech.

bring some flowers tied up in ribbon

to leave on the steps.

don 't worry if everyone in your family does not want to participate, but do bring gloves for everyone in the family if it is freezing!

bring a loaf of bread with you to feed the ducks in the reflecting pool,
but also be prepared that it might be drained for cleaning.

take your
child's hand and walk her to the Vietnam war memorial and teach her anything about it even if you think she is too young to understand. But be prepared for you kids to ask you questions that you don't even know the answers to.

be grateful for the volunteers who are at the wall with ladders to do rubbing of family names that are too high to reach.

go up close to the wall and look at the names at the very top

and don't forget to look at your reflection.
Beautiful pictures, beautiful post! I've been to D.C. and seen these places, but it is so nice to see it through your eyes!
that reflection pool drained is a priceless photo. don't see that too often.
I can't wait to take a vacation with my family here. I have only been once in January and I only had 2 days to see everything.
This is so great, Kristi. What a wonderful opportunity for you and your kids!
i'm so glad you guys have been out and about on the mall again!
That sounds really neat! That's so cool that you live so close so you can do those things!
Hey Kristi,
I started training for my 1/2 marathon last week and I want to get a Garmin. I searched your blog but couldn't figure out exactly which one you have and if you'd recommend your type for training.....can you email me?(provost_mique@hotmail.com) Or comment on my blog? I've been using your marathon stuff as my inspiration!
Also-very cool post. I wish we could've been there.
Inspired photographs, there. What's the 'rubbing' of the names on the memorial? I didn't quite follow that - although it's probably me not thinking it through properly...
it is so neat. the memorial has the names of all who died in the war. at both ends of the wall are these large books that you can look up friends family members who died in the war. then it will tell you on the wall where they are.
then they have these pencils and papers that you can do a rubbing of the name, as they are engraved into the black wall, to be able to take the name home.
there is the coolest story about the design of the memorial, i really should write about it sometime.
i hope that helps.
You are amazing!! You are such a wonderful mother and person. The pictures are priceless. What a neat experience for your children and you guys to have all of that just at your fingertips. Thanks for the pictures. I could almost capture the feeling of being right there. Your girls are just darling.
What an amazing post. It gave me chills. Thanks a million!
What a moving post! You always show what's truly important in life - and how wonderful that you are teaching your children that, too! Thanks for sharing.
What a great place to be for a day like that. I can't even imagine it really. I love seeing D.C. through your experiences.
Your kids will have the greatest memories growing up there. I love that you did that on MLK day. How amazing. I can't wait to go.
You must have met Katherine. She is an amazing girl. I miss living around the block from her so much!
Your post almost had me in tears! I love DC (i've only been once) I have such a patriotism for our country and it's history. I get that from my Aunt Franci! Thanks for sharing your experiences!
You always do the coolest things. That last picture gave me a huge lump in my throat.
beautiful post kristi! what a great way to spend the day. i worked all day yesterday and didn't think much about the holiday. thank you for reminding me.
Kristi, ask JC if he remembers our going to Sniagrab and just "happening" on the Travelling Vietnam War Memorial. It was such a moving experience to see so many notes, memorabilia and people weeping at that memorial. I have seen the original, which is a very emotional experience as well, and we saw the Travelling Memorial at a local cemetery a few years ago. There were many veterans at this second memorial, and some spoke of their love for our country. I admire you for exposing your "littles" to so much there in the D.C. area. How lucky you all are to spend some time there. Love you all, SEC
So I had an art class with 300 students and we talked about commissioned art and tthe Vietnam memorial and how a 26 year old woman was commissioned to come up with it. When the teacher asked about what people thought about it that has seen in in person no one said anything. Uncultured Utards!
So I told my impressions of the experience and what it is like and how amazing that memorial is among all the others. It is not raised high on a pedestal it is lowered halfway in the ground actually, which some Vets at first were offended by.
Then After I was done the Teacher snickered at me and said, well that is not my impression. then the class of idiots went on to criticize the use of this rock over a different rock and black was a poor choice, and how the pathway is a cheap cobble stone etc. etc.
I was shocked how hardly anyone had seen it and understood what this memorial means in comparison to all the others in the Mall and how as a piece of art it is crap. Okay call it crap but Not one kid in that classroom would have the Balls to put anything in the Mall that makes such an impression as you walk down and then back up that path and make that much of an impression that people just looking at pics in a blog can get lumps in their throat... but I digress. :)
I would love to spend a year in DC and be there for every memorable day and event.
Actually, there are many places I'd love to spend a year....
what a day you had! love the pics and the view from your camera
my uncle's name is on the wall so it holds a special place in my heart. he was only 19!
i have seen it several times-- after dark, quiet on the mall but shining the moonlight. in the rain and in the snow but the most moving? daylight when other vets were around. some talk a bit, some break down. i remember one man, our flag proudly attached to his wheelchair...it still brings tears to my eyes thinking about it.
you are making the most of your time there and that is so wonderful!
D.C. seems like such an interesting place, with so many opportunities on an average day, but on a holiday it just takes on a whole other diminsion.
Love the reflecting pool, sans water and the reflections on the Vietnam Wall Memorial!
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