It is a table from IKEA ($100) that has drawers you pull out to change what the top of the table looks like.
It is the perfect spot to decorate for each holiday of monthly event.
Here it is with our back to school books, a vase full of pencils, a wire apple (that will be spray painted some color by next fall) and a cool wooden school bus I found and this darling toy store down the street.
This was the table for the 4th of July

with our new sweet Betsy Ross who joined us this year!

For back to school I also filled our glass jar with brand new crayons. At $.25 a box I could fill this baby for under $1.00.
I am getting ready to take it down as the excitement of Back to School is coming to an end and will have to come up with something for the month of September.
Halloween stuff is already in the stores.... I am getting excited!!
Kristi, I love seeing how you put together your house. but HOW do you find all your thrifted items? Will you do a post on Craigslist/thrifting, etc.?
I'm also excited about the Halloween stuff in the stores! Every August I take my girls to Michaels and let them stare down the shelves. We LOVE it!!!
That table is DARLING!!! IKEA huh? I just might have to go get me one of those! What a clever idea! Crayons in the jar? Great idea, not for me unfortunately, I'm sure the lid wouldn't stay in tact for thirty seconds.
Love the table. I think I will be headed to IKEA very soon. Where did you get the jar with the crayons?
Love you allowing us to peek into your home for some fun decorating ideas! I was admiring a friend's home and she told me her secret was that nothing had a "place" she picked great pieces and moved them around for variety.
I'll have to try it. I stick something somewhere and there it stays for years! I think I might have to do some thrift store shopping for variety :)
Love the table! I want one!! :)
Love the crayons in the jar! So cute! And I love the Ikea table. YOu can change things around without having trinkets to dust!
I need your address! Will you email it to me?
That table was made for you and your creativity!
I love the jar of crayons too!
We have that table. LOVE It!
Kristi! Everything is so perfect! I LOVE what I have seen of your house.... we have the same taste, lady! I have the same ikea frame (i also painted it white), but I love that you have a family photo in it! I have a pretty wrapping paper in mine! I also love that table.
We sure miss you around these parts, but HOW FUN that we can keep up with you on your blog. Sounds like Colorado is really nice. I loved it there!
I hope Miss CBC has another clever costume this year. Sad to hear that SJ is only in half day :( and of course that she is not in my class. Hope all is well - been thinking about you as I've been settling into my place!
I LOVE the jar of crayons! So clever. I agree with Jill, that table is made for you and all of your great ideas.
That little Betsy Ross is the cutest, and the crayons in the jar are genius--so bright and fresh! And from your previous posts I just wanted to say that change (especially moving) is SO HARD and some of the best advice I ever got was that it's okay to be down right at first. The last thing you need is to feel bad about feeling bad! You know you will love this place soon enough--that always comes--just be good to yourself in the meantime. Have a great time with Jill--you girls have such an amazing friendship.
Martha Stewart or some other creative person hot glued new, unsharpened #2 pencils, tightly side by side, around the outside of an empty can to make a vase. It was darling and so appropriate for this time of year.
Hmmm! This sounds like something that Pink would do!
I love the table! The possibilities are endless! Perhaps a table photo monthly would be great?!
Have fun with Jill!
LOVE the idea of crayons in the jar!! Did you see the chalkboard painted rocks in PB for halloween? That is on my list of "to dos" for OCT. I ran through the IKEA by my mom's the other day and felt like I couldn't look right or left because she was waiting for me in the parking lot. The mirror and table that you found there are awesome!
you must have girls at your house because that glass table...all your cute trinkets and especially that glass jar full of crayons would be destroyed in about 3 seconds in my house full of 4 boys (and 1 girl, but she is overridden most of the time)! This post gave me anxiety because I was thinking of the ensuing destrucion if this was at my house! :)
i totally love your housy degning stuff. You inspire me. You're so hands on and crafty.
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