I have been a busy little bee planting bulbs and remulching our front yard. It took me weeks to pull up the beds along the sidewalk that were full of weeds. They are now filled with rows of pink tulips that I hope will come up next spring!
In Tennessee a lot of my neighbors used black mulch and I loved it. Here no one uses it. I thought it would make a great contrast with the the green against a brown house. Instead of brown mulch against a brown house. (this state loves the color brown!)
I thought this was so funny. My poor neighbors must just think I am crazy. I do think she was happy to know it was at Home Depot and she thought about putting it in too. She must be relieved to know she does not have to spay paint mulch to get the look!
will you please come visit me and help with my landscaping?
I will be so excited to see your pink tulips come up in the spring! What a brilliant idea.
We have been weeding our flower beds and prepping the soil for this week's bulb planting as well. I have no idea what colors our tulips will be though because I bought them used from Thanksgiving Point, so they'll be all mixed colors. I hope they'll look great. It's funny though, because as I was working in the dirt I was thinking of you being here for Women's Conference when the tulips will be in bloom.
None of us would be surprised if you HAD painted the mulch! :-)
Sounds like something Martha Stewart would do.
The walkway looks great!
I'm a forever lurker who is super excited you're posting again. Your yard looks amazing - I can't wait to see photos of the tulips in the spring!
But the stuff they sold in Texas I swear was spray painted....and not in a good way. So I am happy to be back in the land of the good stuff in Ohio.
I love how tulips are the ultimate in delayed gratification. All that hard work and then you have no idea if it was worth it for months. Can't wait to see the fruit of your labor.
Your yard is beautiful. Can't wait to see yard, house and all of you
Spray painting your mulch! Too hilarious. Your yard looks fabulous, I really want to plant some more tulips and daffodils...
your house is gorgeous~~ LOVE all the stone accents! will we ever get to see a "full frontal" shot? the back, too??
I am in shock that black mulch is something new? I had to laugh about the spray painting comment. I LOVE black mulch!!
Your yard looks fantastic and can't wait to see photos in the Spring!
spray painting mulch?!? HA! Now, that would be taking the 'spray painting craze' to a whole new level. :)
Your yard looks AMAZING!!! The dark mulch completely sets everything off beautifully!
Your home is so nice, you deserve it!!!
that is the most beautiful front yard I have ever seen!!!!!! just think of the joy you share to those that pass by your home!! amazing!
Wow that looks great! You have a very good eye. I just wish I could see the whole thing, inside and out. We miss you guys. Lot of love Kelley
You are missed...
I cannot believe your incredible pots. What direction does you house face? My potato vine always burns up.
Your house is so beautiful! I like black mulch, too, but out west it does seem that all you see is brown, brown, brown.
I didn't know there was such a thing as black mulch, but then, I'm not much of a multher. I must say I like it better than the brown, and you're right--this state really does like brown everything! Having lived here for most of my life, your observation made me laugh.
Make that "mulcher" NOT "multher."
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