Yesterday Annie Kate got a piece of string and the instructions on how to do Jacob's Ladder in her primary class. It was an object lesson for the lesson.
She came home trying so hard to figure it out, I tried it, Jeff tried it. Not one of us could do it.
This morning I got a phone call from her primary teacher saying she didn't have to go into work until early afternoon and was wondering if Annie Kate had some time she could work on the Jacob's ladder with her. Of Course!
Her teacher is a physician and the whole time she was here she kept getting paged and calling people back. She said to someone, "I am teaching someone to do something right now, I will be there in an hour" Annie Kate felt like a million bucks!
After over an hour of teaching Annie Kate she got it. Ruth J. will never know what she gave my daughter today. She taught her something AK will probably never forget but also AK will be a better teacher someday because of her!
We were truly blessed today!
oh yea, Caroline is doing better, she isn't talking much so it has been really quiet around here. Thank you for everyone's well wishes!
How great for A.K.'s Primary teacher to take the time today. I used to know how to do Jacob's Ladder, but I will have to get some yarn and see if I can still do it. Taking the time to teach a child means so much -- A.K. will be blessed to have been taught by such a teacher, and the teacher will be blessed for taking the time with A.K. today.
What a great teacher!! AK will surely not forget this for awhile! I hope I can be like her teacher too!
Oh, I've been meaning to take a picture of that bracelet for you! It says I Will Trust on it, and the package said Primary 2006 theme. So I am sure you can probably get it from Deseret Book. I will take a pic and post it for sure soon!
Wow, that makes me want to be a better teacher.
What a great teacher! I had an awesome Laurel advisor who was like that with me, she was with me in the temple when my mom wasn't, she was at my baby shower 10 years after I was a Laurel and I still get cards from her today. I have thought of her every time I have had a teaching assignment with kids or youth, she made such an impact on me. AK is lucky to have her! Your ward sounds wonderful!
Glad Caroline is doing better, poor girl, her mouth must be pretty darn sore!
PS Dave wants to know how they kept Caroline still for all of those stitches? Did they have to put her to sleep or was having her dad there enough to calm her down? I think I would need a little somethin' somethin' to stay still for that many stitches.
That's crazy, did her teacher go to all the other kids' houses too? Very cool.
I will always remember the primary teachers in my life that made the effort to go the extra mile- to show that they really do care and love you. The attitudes of "Have to" and "Want to" are something I have to work on a lot with callings. What a great teacher for Annie Kate!
Okay Annie Kate, I hope you can teach all of your grandparents your great skill at your baptism in December. I can do the Cat's cradle, but don't know this one. What a great teacher you have!
Annie Kate is lucky to have such a great teacher. That makes anyone feel special, but I think particularly a child.
OK, Jill, I don't beleive that you really think this is crazy. I could see you doing somthing like that!
Hi! I stumbled across your blog while checking out Miss Tasha's sweetest place :o) and you have me in tears..
as a teacher myself you said the magic words that every teacher would love to here! PLEASE make sure you tell the teacher herself how much it means about the special time and effort she gave your daughter! What a special treat for your daughter and something she will remember forever!! :o) Kacey
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