After a long, fun day of getting new shoes at Nordstrom because we forgot to put shoes on Caroline before leaving the house, seeing The National Archives, The White House, Union Station, and a few memorials all by foot and with our joggers, as we walked to the car, the double jogger flipped backwards with Caroline face planting it the cement. She went down hard!
So, we got to go visit dad's new work and get a full tour of the ER!
Poor Caroline bit through her entire bottom lip! She was a tough cookie and let me hold her in silence all the way to the hospital, good thing Jeff works downtown!
She had about 25 - 30 stitches that Jeff and chief resident put in.
We will keep you posted on how she is doing in the morning!
Oh no! I hope she is doing better soon. I am always amazed at how fast kids heal. How convenient that you have hospital connections - hopefully you won't be using them too often.
Oh my!!! That does not sound good at all. I hope that she will be doing okay quickly. Concrete pavement does not give very much, that is for sure. Poor Caroline!!!
How brave she looks with her Dad. I'm so sorry, Caroline. Now that is one bad fall. 30 stitches--my oh my! Give her lots of hugs from us.
Oh man! Poor thing- I hope she is feeling so much better in the morning. Hospital connections are so nice. I bet she felt good knowing that her daddy was helping to make her better.
Is that her blood and drool all over Jeff's shirt? Yikes. What an awful accident. I hope she feels better quickly. Poor girl.
Oh poor Caroline. So sad. I wondered what was all over Jeff's shirt.. silly me, I just thought "oh another day at work."
I hope she feels better soon.
yes that is blood all over his shirt, but surprising i soaked it in bleach an it is all clean.
the sidewalk probably still has her marks.
Oh, that is so sad! Was Sally Jane in the stroller at the time? That sounds like one bad fall to get 30 stitches! I'm glad Jeff was there and could fix her up.
You are one ambitious woman, going to do all those things in one day! Did you know that you live there now? You don't have to see everything at once! I think you must have 10x my energy.
I hope Caroline feels better today. That photo of the two of them in the stroller is darling.
Oh No! Poor little thing! That must have been so traumatic for all involved. I've had both of my girlies end up with stitches, one in the lip and it was so awful! 35-30 stitches is quite alot! Did you give her lots of ice cream afterwards? I hope she feels better quickly!
I keep looking at these pictures and can't figure out how the stroller could have flipped over so that she hit her face?
jill there is a little bit of a story, i will have to call you and explain
Oh Pooey! Do we know about stitches at our house! Ridge, my 7 year old, has had them 3 times to his big Sputnik head!
I hope your sweetie is feeling better. We will add her to our dinner prayers. :)
Poor Caroline!!!! That must have really hert!!! I hope she feels better.
How nice to have an "in" at the ER. I bet that you didn't have to wait 2 hours like "normal" people, right? I hope that she feels better. That sounds horrible!
Oh, poor thing! I hope she's ok. I spilled Kaitlin in the stroller when she was a little over a year old, and I can tell you, I've never felt so guilty!
Hope shes on the mend! I hate it when things like that happen. Feel better soon Caroline!
You are a trooper Kristi and so is little Caroline! Hope she mends quickly!
Poor Caroline and poor you and Jeff. What a hectic day and then to end up in the ER, I hope that she is feeling better. Kids are amazing, they bounce back so quickly.
Oh Man! Knock on wood...knock knock knock...we have not had too many ER visits with our crazy fearless boys and certainly not 30 stitches! She will be so proud one day. Lucky that Daddy probably eased the terror of the ER for her. I was wondering about the tipping stroller too-I can only visualize her standing up or something which I know all kids attempt. Whe needs that t-shirt from Target that says "I do all my own stunts!"
Poor thing Thankfully her daddy is the doctor. Hope she is feeling better soon.
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