
Saturday, February 24, 2007

On site Research
Clara Barton

This morning I took the girls to the Clara Barton National Historic Site. It is the home that she lived the last 20 years of her life in and it was the headquarters for the Red Cross. Annie Kate will be her for her wax museum project at school and so we did a little on site research. Taking photos was not really an option since I was flying solo and taking Caroline to a historical home where you can't touch anything is like taking me to a fabric store and telling me not to touch.
I will go back for sure since you can take photos and the quilts on the bed would make any quilter go crazy. They were pink and green and had scalloped edging. On Clara's bed was her actual crazy quilt. I seriously started crying... got teary. The history that is bound in that quilt brings my two loves together: fabric & history, in my mind the perfect match.
Clara's office must be where Pottery Barn gets all their ideas. The organizational systems and desks were old and awesome. The tour guide told us that she was a hard worker and loved to write letters and wrote many. She must have loved Good Mail.
Jeff had a conference today so since he missed it we will have to go back!


  1. Bummer you didn't get to capture any of the quilts. I would love to see them. I know all too well how it is with little ones touching...I have three that do that. How cool to be so close to so many sites.

  2. That is a beautiful home. I can't wait for you to go back and take pictures of the quilts. Your girls are so lucky to really be able to learn history by seeing where it took place. That is the thing I love most about D.C. It is one giant classroom!

  3. Anonymous5:34 PM

    I'm so impressed by your drive to go see all the history around you. I always say I'm going to, but never seem to get it done. I love your narrative on the things you see. It will make it all that much more awesome when I (someday) take my family there!

  4. What an exciting experience! I can't wait to see pictures of the quilts, etc.

  5. how neat to be so close to so many historical places. That is an experience of a lifetime for your children to see so much. I'm sure the quilts were to die for. I would love to see the pics!

  6. Clara must have had great style, and I have a new found respect for her if you think she loved good mail!

  7. It's wonderful to see others making the most out of a new situation. Seeing the sites, getting to really know the area. I love that each state and region has it's own style and culture.

    And not being afraid to get out their on your own!

  8. Anonymous8:37 PM

    There's so much to do around D.C. I miss it like crazy, but like the viacarious touring I get through your blog. I LOVE that you brave these spots with kids in tow. Beautiful. They will remember this about you always.

  9. Okay Kristi- I don't comment very often on your blog because you kind of freak me out how awesome your life seems! It is unreal all the traditions you pull off, the hobbies you cultivate, the places you get to go and the things you do with your kids... It overwhelms me!
    But I know it is about making things a priority and choosing to do something- so thanks for sharing all the amazing things you and your family do. You definitely have your priorities in the right spot! And I love stealing your great ideas and drawing on your enthusiasm!

  10. trust me i don't mean to freak anyone out.
