
Friday, February 23, 2007

Orange you glad it's Friday

Cristin had given me the idea of putting an orange in my daughter's lunch every Friday to remind her it was the last day of the week and to get excited about the weekend. I started this about 3 months ago and would write on the orange, "Orange you glad it's Friday?"

After about a month my second grader said, "why do you keep putting an orange in there, I don't eat them and i don't understand why you are writing on it."

I tried to explain how cute it was, she was not too excited. So I started putting in the Brach's Orange gel slices covered in sugar. They come individually wrapped and she actually likes them and thought this would be the perfect reminder of Friday.

Then after about 2 months she said, "Mom I don't really like those"

So now I have just gone to Hershey kisses on Friday's and have not heard any complaints. If anyone thinks of any other cute ideas let me know. Even though I don't think second graders care about cute ideas, just yummy treats.


  1. I can't decide if it's sad or funny that Annie Kate doesn't appreciate all your cute gestures. You sound like the funnest mom in all the land!

  2. I'm not sure if you noticed, but I was the first to comment. That's because it's 6:54 in the freakin morning and Andrew's bus just left! I'm going back to bed!

  3. Anonymous7:20 AM

    Hey there! My kids always get to buy ice cream on Fridays. They love getting to carry money, and they love going throught the lunch line just for a treat. So when they ask for ice cream during the week, we say 'you'll have to only dream of ice cream-- just until Friday'. Kind of corny, but they love it.

    Hope all is well. Take care, Kim

  4. how many oranges did i throw away in the school cafeteria, because i hated peeling them?!?

    i love the sentiment, though. i am always trying to make jack's lunches more interesting. although, at a week shy of 6 years old, he has totally perfected the "whatever, mom" eye roll!!

  5. Oh kids! My neice is the same age as AK and I get that same completely uninterested response from her too. I think it has to do with her age. When she was younger she was much more excitable.

  6. Such cute ideas. I am sure someday after looking back on the creative friday treats, she will realize how great they were. You are a fun mom!

  7. Hershey Kisses -- always a hit. I love that you just keep trying though! :)

  8. this is why i love your blog...what a cute idea. the fun things i do for my family are really more for's just fun doing them.
    plus, that's what's so great about the blog...when you can't impress your family, you can post your fabulous ideas and let the rest of us ooh and awe over them! :)

    i'm so glad it's friday!

  9. Ok, I am cracking up about the orange thing. Sometimes I wonder why we try? But isn't it fun trying? I love the idea and will definately be trying it out on Sophie.

  10. Hey--I just read your comment and I'm feeling a little excited!!! I'm all about "serious chic good mail". We're still in Il., but things have changed and we are most likely moving to Salt Lake now instead of Ca----ahhhh my life is crazy.

  11. Hey--I just read your comment and I'm feeling a little excited!!! I'm all about "serious chic good mail". We're still in Il., but things have changed and we are most likely moving to Salt Lake now instead of Ca----ahhhh my life is crazy.

  12. Kristi, this is so funny! I get the same kind of responses from Lindsey too. The only thing she really loves is when I write her a note and stick it in her lunch box. Of course things like chocolate are always winners in her book. I do like the orange idea though.

  13. the chelsea miester, moving to the SLC, gonna be an SLC punk, totally cool. Im in SLC so I have to give you mad props, enjoy!

  14. hey adam don't freak my friends out... you silly!

  15. this is pretty funny. what a cute mom to do something so fun for fridays.

  16. Erin's school is so strict about the types of food you can pack in their lunchbox: no sweets, no crisps, no nuts (to keep any children with nut allergy risk-free) - it's quite restrictive, and I'm often dithering over the things I have in the cupboard, trying to decide if they 'break the rules'!

    I'm afraid Erin really only gets treated by having special paper napkins folded up in her lunchbox, with different 'girly' designs on: fairies, cupcakes, pink polka dots etc.

    That's a great idea, though, Kristi, to use a certain thing to mark that it's Friday - I keep meaning to think up a way to get Erin to understand the days of the week.

    By the way, have you ever done that trick with a needle and thread on a banana so that it's all sliced up when you peel it? AK would freak out - but I don't think it'd last the day in her lunchbox like that - banana'd probably go black! Best to demonstrate it at home.

  17. You have the greatest ideas. My mom always wrote notes on napkins and I never thought much of it until I was older and then I thought that was so cute. I have to do it now. The "orange you glad it's Friday" is so cute. I will try it and see what my first grader says. I'll try the orange slices. They do just love the yummy treat. You are such a fun mom!!

  18. Anonymous5:30 PM

    I think it's a fun idea! But of course, kids are kids, and if you had to chose I think it would be the chocolate after all!

  19. yes, i was glad. we went out for mexican food

  20. Too funny. Have you tried clementines? They're so easy to peel. I put them in Max's lunch a lot, but of course Lucas won't touch them. You are indeed the funnest mom in all the land!

  21. You are indeed the most fun mom!

  22. I personally LOVE oranges and would love the darling gesture in my lunch! Does she like clementines? They are sweeter and smaller.

    You can't go wrong with Hershey's Kisses!

  23. I love your ORANGE idea! So cute! I love that you keep trying!
    What about a few gummi bears - Fridays are beary special & so are you!
    Smarties - you worked so hard this week to get your Smarties - happy Friday!
    I think you are Mighty & Marvelous - happy friday! (M&M's)
    Friday's are MOUNDS of fun.
    It PEAR's to me that it is Friday! Yahoo!
    When you find something that works - let's us know! :-)
