
Friday, May 25, 2007

today's stash getting ready to be hulled

red-er the better!

Today we made our first (of many) 2007 visits to Homestead Farms. Our favorite fruit and vegetable farm in the area. Seeing the lady who always checks us out was like seeing an old friend. I said to her, "It's been a long winter and we are so glad to be back"

Annie Kate was in school and Jeff was off work so it was just us and the little ones. We tried to teach them "the red-er the better" so they would not pick the green ones. they did pretty well, I only found two green ones in washing them. They were good taste testers though.we brought the gator hoping to let the girls drive it around but it was too dusty to really use it. But we hope this summer to let it hold the peaches we pick.
Jeff was a fast picker and can take credit for most of the work.
We got to see the two new goats. They were surprisingly cute.
Sally Jane kept sticking her finger in the chicken coop with all the new little chickens. I think she liked the biting sensation. funny.
we came home to make freezer jam. Jeff did must of the stem removal. I had to take a photo, because you can tell he cuts stuff for a living. everyone was perfectly even and sliced.

It feels so good to work on a project like this. I loved seeing all of them stem free.

these new plastic freezer jars and great! I wish i would have bought more.
and the end of the day gave us many jars of freezer jam. We need to stock up for winter.
we ended the day taking the three little ones to see Shrek! I laughed so hard and the girls seemed to love it. It was a much better experience than two weeks ago when Jeff and I went to see Spiderman and left in the middle of the movie because it was a little too intense for me. (poor Jeff) I am just a cartoon-chick flick type of gal.

call your local farm and get those strawberries!



  1. Yum! Those strawberry's look so good! What a fun afternoon.
    Freezer jam is the best, my Mom and I made some last year, it's so yummy!
    (great pictures:)

  2. Those berries look delicious. One of my favorite summer time treats is vanilla ice cream with strawberry freezer jam, I guess I better start picking berries.

  3. OK -so I have never made freezer jam. Would love to know how? It looks great. That would have been helpful a few days ago because we bought the big carton of strawberries from Costco and couldn't eat them fast enough before they went bad.

  4. Oh man, strawberry freezer jam is my favorite! We always had some in the fridge/freezer growing up. Smuckers just doesn't cut it now. If I lived closer I would be stealing my moms!

    I love that you guys pick your own fruit!

  5. Will you share your recipe? I have never made it either but my family LOVES it. If it isn't hard I would love to surprise them and make a ton of it for them. Can you use peaches and raspberries also? They would go nuts for all of it.

    We liked the Shrek movie also. It was fun to go as a family. I am still waiting for Spiderman.

  6. If you ever get a chance, could you describe how to make freezer jam? I've never made it, but it looks dee-lish, as does your bountiful harvest of red goodness.

    Great pics, thanks for sharing.

  7. I have made Strawberry perserves in the past, but have never made freezer jam- Please post the recipe!!! I don't think I would be the only one happy to see the post!

    We just moved and I haven't located a farm in our area that lets you pick straberries- but I am motivated now to look harder!

    Enjoy your strawberries!

  8. LOVE freezer jam! My mouth is watering! Now you need some yummy warm rolls!

  9. What beautiful pictures! The girls are so cute! What a fun outing with most excellent results! I grew up on strawberry freezer jam, but have to admit I don't know how to make it. PLEASE POST A RECIPE!!! I think many of us would appreciate it! Thanks, in advance ;)

  10. those look yummy! It is a little early for berries here.. but I can't wait.. we do raspberry freezer jam.. love it! funny picture of all the berries cut off so uniformly!

  11. oh my gosh, those strawberries look so good. This actually kind of inspires me to drive up to Portland, TN to pick some berries this weekend. The strawberry festival was last weekend, so maybe it won't be so crowded this time around. I love that first photo with all the fresh, un-stemmed berries. The color is amazing.

  12. Those strawberries look delish! We have a couple of "pick your own" farms close to our place in Connecticut. I love visiting there in the summer to pick all sorts of fresh fruits. Too bad I'm missing out on the strawberries this year. The good thing is I'll be back just in time for blueberry picking. I never liked blueberries until I had them from the local farm. One of the things that makes me laugh at one of the farms is their "sinners" bucket at the checkout. It has a darling poem about how you should throw in some change because they know that you've tasted at least one piece of fruit while picking.

    Looks like you had a fun family day that was productive too! You'll love enjoying that strawberry jam throughout the year.

  13. i don't know what freezer jam is??? it certainly looks like yummy goodness so i would love to know what it is and how to make it.

    as always, love the pics. your girls are just too cute. i love the taste tester pics.

    i can't wait to make a trip to our local farm. fresh berries are such a treat. yum!

  14. Those strawberries look fabulous, I love it that you guys get to do this so often. I don't even really like jam, but I think that freezer jam looks tasty.

    I'm happy to hear that Shrek 3 is good, we might see it this weekend.

  15. Anonymous12:24 PM

    I just drove past a U-Pick farm yesterday and realized it's time! I loved the pictures. Caroline's haircut is darling. I've never seen those freezer jam jars before. Last year I made so much jarred jam, that we still have tons so I'm going to have to come up with something new to do with strawberries this summer.

  16. We took Erin strawberry-picking last year, but it all got eaten well before I could preserve any of it!

    Don't know how we'll fare this year, with Isla so desperate to toddle. Strawberry fields aren't

    LOL at you saying Jeff "cuts stuff for a living". Is that how you sum up all those years of careful study?? Hahaha! Gives me the shivers a bit too, though!

  17. What a fun day :o) You have one more plea to post the recipe from me too!! Would love to know more about freezer jam!!

  18. Can't wait for our strawberry fields to open for picking. This really got me in the spirit. I thought last year they really should have wighed the children on the way in, and charged the difference on the way out. I think my baby who couldn't even walk yet, ate her own weight in berries.

  19. I love the photos of the strawberries and the girls are just adorable! How cool that the professional cutter could prepare the berries for you. Sadly I will probably miss out on making strawberry jam this year -- they will most likely be out of season by the time I get home...
