PiNk SnoWbalLs
Here is my biggest temptation in life the Hostess Pink Snowball. I know 99% of the people that read this are going to think i am crazy. No one understands why I love these so much. And I can't understand why no one loves them like me.
After Jeff and I were married I had at least 10 people tell me how disgusting our wedding cake was. It even became a joke that I would run into people after a year and they would mention how foul my wedding cake was. Nice huh! I used a fondant to make it look beautiful but I guess it didn't taste so well.
When I found this photo of someone's wedding cake i thought "Why didn't I think of that!" I am sure that everyone would have disliked my wedding cake just as much, but hey I would have loved it. But back then I was not in love with the color Pink like i am now.
I have not had a pink snowball since January 8th. My goal is to go 6 months without. We will see how long I can go.
I cannot stop laughing. I hate those snowballs. If I was going to try to go without something, I guess it would be m&ms, but why would I do that?? Love the photo. At first I thought it WAS your wedding cake!
Now I'm curious, I would like to see the picture of your cake!
Kristi- I don't remember your cake tasting bad....I do remember the fondant and how cute the cakes were....I honestly have never had a pink snowball-but if it has coconut in it I probably never will! How often do you normally eat them?????
I must redeem my self some. I don't eat these daily. fortuantely they are only sold at gas stations, so it so embarassing for me to buy one it keeps me from doing so. I am probably every other month i will break down and buy them. except during holidays i always have one too, becasue they make them green for st.patricks day and orange for halloween. how embarassing that i am admitting this!
I have never eaten one of those, but I don't enjoy marshmallow creme or coconut so I don't think I ever will.
I also don't remember having a wedding cake at your reception, so apparently I missed out on something.
I think it would be soooo fun to make the cake that you have pictured!!! I was hoping you had the recipie.....I could probably figure it out from the picture, I wonder what is under all that YUM!!!
Kristi, I guess all mothers didn't give their kids snowballs as a snack like I did. We loved them growing up too, and got them in our lunches as a special treat when our class went on a field trip or picnic in the park.
I guess I shouldn't tell you that I saw a box of 12 at Walmart one day for very cheap that looked just like Hostess, but I guess were not. Keep buying them once in a while at the gas station!
By the way, I thought your wedding cake was beautiful, but have to say the marzipan icing was not tasty. Actually, I never had a piece. We brought the middle layer home to Farmington to display the next day for the open house and never cut it. About 2 weeks later it still looked good on the dining room table, but underneath it was getting moldy. So it was tossed in the trash. Now you know the "rest of the story".
I have tried the walmart ones. not the same!
HELP, where can someone in Minnesota buy Hostess Pink Snowballs. I can't find them anywhere. barbrasgirl2004@yahoo.com
Thanks a whole pinky bunch~
Help I need pink hostess snowballs. I've recently developed a taste for them "again. When I was pregnant with my 1st child 22 years ago I ate two everyday. They ended up being the 30 pounds that were not the baby. Know of any online order sites?
Sammi, I can't find a way to email you but you can always find them at EXXON gas stations.
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