wAll of quOtes!
I am cleaning up my house to put on the market and i have to take down my wall of quotes. So I thought I would take a picture of it to remember it. Any time i found a good quote, i would laminate it and hang it next to my washer and dryer. I even had a wash schedule of what to wash everyday.
So bye bye quote wall.
Jill asked what some of the quotes were so i added them to the comments. Hit comments to read some of the quotes.
That's a good idea. I'm always collecting quotes, but haven't ever thought to put them in the laundry room. It seems like a good idea considering how much time we all spend doing laundry. I'm impressed that you laminate them too, and make them so cute (you have a way with cute things). I'm bummed that I can't read them though, perhaps you could tell us what they say.
Hold your heads up. Work with diligence. Do whatever the church asks you to do. Pray with faith. You may never know how much goo you accomplish. Someone's life will be blessed by your effort.
Gordon B. Hinkley
"The sure way to peace and happiness in this life and life hereafter is to serve the Lord today and everyday"
Marion g. Romney
Life is a cornucopia centered in the home. Here is our personal castle. We shoul think of it that way and make this come true.
peter m. brown
To be a successful Young Women's president or den mother or class president or loving neighbor or listening friend is much of what true greatness is all about. To do one's best in the face of commonplace, struggle of life, and possible in the face of failures, and tocontinue to endure and persevere with the ongoing difficulties of life when those struggles and tasks contribute to the progress and ahppiness of others and the eternal salvation of one's self... this is true greatness!
Howard W. Hunter
To mothers, daughters and women everywhere, let me stress the fact that because of your great potential and influence for good in the lives of all of us, Satan is determined to destroy you. You cannot compromise with him. You must have the courage, the strength, the desire, and the determinations tolive as the Lord would have you live, good clean lives. Girls keep yourselves virtuous and worthy of a fine young man who has likewise kept himself clean so that together you can go to the house of the Lord to be sealed in the hold bonds of matrimony for time and all eternity, and prepare a home where God will be pleased to send his spirit children. Then you will be able to face your children secure in the knowledge that your own example is the way to happiness and eternal progression. They are entitled to this heritage. I humbly pray that you will so live as to give it to them.
gordon b. hinckley
President Hinckley's List:
*Many of you are mothers, and this is enough to occupy one's full time.
* You are companions - the very best friend your husbands have or ever will have (that is my favorite part)
*You are housekeepers. That doesn't sound like much, does it? But what a job it is to keep a house clean and tidy.
*You are shoppers. Until I got older i never dreamed of what a demanding resonsiblity it is to keep food in the pantry, to clothing neat and presentable, to buy all that is need to keep a home running.
*You are nurses. with every illness that comes along, you are th first to be told about it and the first to respond with help. in cases of serious sickness, you are at the bedside day and night, comforting, encouraging, ministering and praying.
* you are the family chauffeur. you are driving your children about on paper routes, taking them to athletic events, driving them on ward outings, haulig here and there and everywhere as they pursue their busy lives.
Those are all so great, thanks for posting them, I'll have to copy and paste them into a word document for future reference.
I love your wall of quotes! I collect quotes, but they just sit in a book. I want to make them cute and hang them up too!
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