carOline's dAy!
I was going to title this bad day gone worse, but i decided to have a positive attitude and focus on how great of a day this must be for Caroline. (because for me not so great!)
We went to Target at 8:00 am in the pouring rain and Caroline got to jump through all the puddles on the way to the store. We went for new shoes and diapers for her. I was totally out of diapers and her shoes are all size 7 and below and she wears an 8. She got a new pair of Princess shoes, (there was a day when i promised I would never buy character shoes , today i caved) when trying on the shoes at Target Caroline was screaming like she always does when we do anything. and the nice lady in the red shirt who works there came up to me and said"here let me hold your hand" i told her don't bother she screams all the time, and the lady said, "not her hand i was meaning yours" she said it looks like you need some attention too. She truly was an angel! Her distraction kept Caroline from kicking me in the gut!
So as we get our few items in the store Caroline has picked every treat mothers swear they will never buy or at least i do, like those baby bottle pops and pez dispensers and chocolate wrapped candy in the shape of footballs and basketballs (the chocolate is always so gross!)
When we get up to pay Caroline throws up her stash and i was too tired today to fight it. Sally Jane was crying (not typical for her) and i said whatever she gave you ring it up. The lady put it all in a little bag for her and Caroline skipped back out into the rain.
When we came home she layed out her stash and was so excited.
Later when laying her down for a nap i put her in my room so she could be in the big bed. Both girls asleep perfect for me to do a few things. I called Dessert book to preorder conference on DVD so i won't feel so bad when i don't watch it. (i have not seen it in 6 years!) as i am on the phone ordering it i hear Caroline, when i get off the phone i go in my room to find caroline has colored all over my dresser, walls and ruined 90% of my jewlery. what saved her life is that i went to find my camera to take a photo to document for jeff the day i was having. by the time i got the camera and took a photo, i had callmed down and didn't care as much.
Then she came downstairs climbed in the basket that holds the blankets and curls up and takes a nap. For her it has been a great day full of discovery, treats and artistic expression. as for me i am now in my white pj's calling it a day.
** jeff looking for a great mother's day gift. a jewlery box with a pad lock on it!
*** also note the saggy diaper in the above photo since she had to wear sally jane's to the store a size 3 she wears a size 6!
Oh, she is so the boss of you! But really, I don't know how she couldn't be. She's so high energy and adorable. I'm glad you were able to laugh at her antics and take pictures of them. I probably would have freaked out, and then seen the humor in it later. It's so cute that she fell asleep in the basket like that. I'm glad you have a blog to vent your feelings and share the cuteness.
Maybe that art work on the wall andthe dresser will be a valuable work of art! You are a true saint to manage the chaos and tendmy beautiful children. I love you! - jc
This has been a heck of a day for you and the girls. That little content smile on Caroline's face is priceless.
I'm sorry that it has been such a rough Monday. I love you for being such a good mother and daughter.
I couldn't help but comment again on Caroline's antics today. What an awesome picture of her full diapers and a wonderful grin on her face. Adorable little girl, and such eyes!!! A challenge to be sure, but how on earth did you train her to go to sleep in a basket after she has done such mischief? Afraid of the wrath that might come if she doesn't check out and take a nap?
Oh dear. What a day. I don't know if I would be able to step back and laugh just yet! Aren't spirited children a challenge??
You deserve the Purple Heart or Congressional Medal of Honor today Kristi! Why do they DO that stuff? Great outlook though, she had this amazing day of discovery...
Kristi- sounds like you have a match for Emma! Some days I wonder how I let her run the roost-and get by with so much. I guess it is just easier to let things go and not get too upset. I never want to be the "angry" mom. The few times I have gotten upset with her- That is- "Emma Grace Cook!" she breaks down in tears in a second. I am sorry you had such a day-we always have issues with Target too! heather
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