Although on the outisde my favorite color is pink, inside it is white. I realized this morning how almost everything I own is white. All of our towels are white . All of our sheets are white. I probably own 20 shirts and 10 of them are white. I believe you can never have too many white t-shirts, especially ones from banana republic . My girls all have a white dresses. My whole bedding to my bedroom is white. And today i realized i own three white eyelet skirts (now that is crazy!)
The main reason is I love to bleach things! it is the only way to get things really clean. I go through a jug of bleach a week. One of my favorite cleaning products is the Clorox Pen just this week it saved one of Caroline's outfits she wore to the beach. My favorite bleach is the splashless one but my favorite scent is the orance citrus.
I just bought some new white pj's at target yesterday. when the lady was ringing me up, she said, "oh i would never buy white pj's how are you going to keep these clean?" of course my response, "Bleach baby!" (side note on the pj's they are awesome, only $25 for top and bottom, light weight long sleeve cotton with a subtle stripe, couldn't find a photo and would look great with a monogram, mine are gettting done today!)
But I loved getting in my white bed with my white sheets and white pj's.
If you want to see an enjoyable website click on The White Company. Beautiful! It is a london based company and it is probably where Pottery Barn gets all of their ideas.
So the next time you are trying to decide what color to buy. Go for white, you won't regret it! And we all know that in beauty pagents the girl wearing the white dress usually wins.
I had no idea you loved white so much. I can definitely see the reason, for bleach is so satisfyingly effective. I guess I hadn't thought of having white bedding though. Do you have to wash your comforter a lot? That's a pain for me to wash, so I wouldn't want to be doing that often. I think you should post a picture of your bed and perhaps your closet with your white section. I'm amazed. I don't have very much white at all, perhaps I'll rethink this.
I love bleach but it doesn't always get my stains out??? Am I doing something wrong? Let me know bleach queen....
Interesting. I love white when I see it in magazines, but don't buy it much, with the exception of t-shirts. I second Jill's request -- show us some photos!
p.s. I did not know that about beauty pageants...
Hahaha! one third of my shirts are white, another third black and the third are random. I thought I was the only one! And yes, white bedding is awesome.. .
I love white but I can't seem to keep things white so I end up with a lot of black. We definitely need more white tips so we can add more to our world. White bedding is my favorite!
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