
Thursday, April 13, 2006

wAsps and dIet cOke!
It is 8:00 am and I already have a slew of things to write about today. The two oldest girls were up all night. Annie Kate is sick and will be home from school today. Sally Jane is already down for her morning nap, the no T.V. thing may not last all day, poor Jeff slept at Centenial Hospital and only got three hours of sleep last night and he is back to Vanderbilt to be filmed for some news story(i hope he shaved) and to top it off Caroline got stung by the above wasp, all before 7:00 am! Needless to say I opened a diet coke at 6:45 (which felt like noon to me) and had to drink it with a straw because i think i have a cavity and so the tooth hurts when it gets cold.
It is going to be a long day!


Anonymous said...

I wish I could take some of the stress from you today. This is a real test without the television. Where did the wasp bite Caroline, and how is she doing? I pray that Jeff is home tonight. Love to all.

Jill said...

Great photo Kristi, funny but sad. Good luck surviving this day. I think I'd be caving in on the tv thing if I had sick kids--it qualifies as a medical emergency.

Amie said...

Hopefully all the craziness will be over with early and the day will get more peaceful. Really a day like that can't keep going. I tend to have a bad hour at a time. I hope Caroline is ok. What a pain.

Do you have church movies? Those don't count as TV at our house. We even let the Prince of Egypt slide since they were able to answer so many questions that I didn't know they knew and always recognize the references in the B of M because of that show.

becca said...

What a way to start the day! I have to say that I am SO impressed with your no TV idea. I limit the time and the show my kids watch, but they still get too much TV. I REALLY want to do it, I just don't know how I will get ANYTHING accomplished!! Thanks for the ideas, and I hope your day gets better!

Tasha said...

I agree with amie, church movies should not count as tv. Also, being sick or stung should get some "get out of jail free" cards. Ok- look at me with the peer pressure. I'd watch the girls so you could go to the dentist!

michelle said...

Oh my goodness. How did you have the presence of mind to take that photo with all that going on? Your posts make me tired. Maybe you can all take a nap while Sally Jane does!

Spencer the Bomb Diggity said...

Okay so we lived without a TV for about 6 months when we were first married and have tried every now and then. It is possible, just hard.
What we did is take the tv out of the room. Hide it in a closet. It makes it a lot easier because when you think about having to lift it up and move it to watch demotivated me quick!
I am excited to hear about what you and the girls are up to without a TV. Maybe we will ahve to try that when we get in our new house. Mom might get really mad if we do it while living with her.

Anonymous said...

I think I would have crawled back under the covers and tried to start the day over. I hope that the rest of your day has been better, and a wasp bite hurts!!! Poor thing. And a toothache hurts as well!!! What a day!!!

DeDe said...

i hope your day got better.. good for you no tv... i should do that .. but after american idol is over!! sorry about the bee .. and the cavity.. BUT diet coke always taste better with a straw