So our little Cinderella, Indian and Super Hero had a great fun filled day!
Sally Jane's custom made Cinderella dress from Ebay for only $19.99 was great and with a 8 inch hem could last her until kindergarten.

Annie Kate's hand sewn costume still gave me the chance to say I have sewn all her costumes and a reason to stay up late with her as we didn't start it until the night before, as well as practice for any upcoming wedding dresses to be made in 20 years - I sure hope one of them will pick suede, is doesn't fray, you can leave raw edges and fun to sew with.
and as I type this, (the day after) the girls are in my white sheeted bed eating chocolate candy bars watching Disney movies - I am afraid to go back up stairs!!! (it is 8:00am)
They look so cute!
DOn't worry about the sheets...just take some pictures. YOu can show them to them when they are older.." See, I let you eat chocolate in my bed!!"
Have a great day!
The girls look darling, and each costume seems perfect for them right now. I think the sister power chant is cute.
So darling! I am loving each one!
love the pics.
love the super girl! i want a super girl costume i have decided!
I LOVE the costumes! And the Indian one is fab!! One homemade out of three is great!
The girls look perfect in their well chosen costumes. Running with them in costume is such a great idea. They are going to have so many tales to tell when they are Moms.
your girls are little girls! We had some friends over last night and 6 out of the 7 kids were girls. They were magical.
Loved the costumes! How cute is Caroline in the Super women gidd-up!!! I want my girl to be a Indian one year.
Ohhh, it THAT how one gets free time to blog? Durr me!
Each of those costumes seems so 'right' for each girl. It's lovely that they're each different and individual.
Suede wedding dress! I look forward to that post!
OK, I absolutely love that supergirl outfit. Those red boots are so unique and perfect. Fun pictures!
Suede wedding dresses--now that would be a sight to see!!! You're amazing, Kristi!
I love the Cinderella and the white pumpkin photo because a pumpkin like that really looks like it could turn into a coach.
I love their costumes, and I love that you don't feel like you have to always sew them. I feel liberated since I made the decision to buy costumes sometimes! But most of all I love that they do a power sister chant. They all have the happiest faces in that photo!
Your girls are so beautiful! And you take such great pictures! I really love your Cinderella, really looks like a little cinderella would.
these are the CUTEST pictures ever!
I can't believe how big the girls have gotten!
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