I can't think of a better way to spend $1.79. 2 dozen eggs are about what it takes to teach a kid to crack a egg on their own.
Whenever I am cooking the kids always want to crack the egg for the recipe. I get flustered because I may only have a few eggs, I don't want shell in the dinner or don't want a mess all over. Then I started how are these kids ever going to learn unless I just sit and teach them.
So I decided to buy each of them a pack of eggs to practice. Sure it may sound wasteful to some, but I look at is the best $1.79 I have ever spent.

On each egg we drew a face.
2 ears - this is where you place your fingers to crack the egg
eyes and nose - the nose is the part of his face you are trying to crack. They way they will shoot for the center.
Two thumbs in the nose (we called it picking for boogers - be are gross that way)
And then spill out the brain.

We had lots of chances and Caroline has received her egg license to be able to do any egg, anytime for cooking. Sally Jane still just has her permit and must crack with an adult's supervision. I am sure after 6 months she will also get a license.
To do this I believe you have to just release the eggs, don't worry about trying to make some egg salad something to save them all. That way you can just teach them and let them make mistakes. If you think of it, many people pay $25.00 for half an hour of piano lessons once a week. This is much cheaper to teach your child a skill!
The great thing about this is it kept us in the kitchen and motivated us to make homemade cinnamon rolls and homemade chicken noodle soup!
**also next time you are at the store ask the grocery if he has any eggs in the back that are expired that he was going to throw them away. He will probably give them to you. He may also make you sign something that says you are not going to peg your neighbors house!
So true and I wish that my son's 1/2 hour of guitar lessons only cost $25. You have a good way of looking at things! My kids love to crack eggs when assisting in the kitchen.
what a great mama you are. I bet the girls had a blast. next can you teach me how to crack an egg with one hand?
Great idea! I bet the girls had so much fun with this. It's cracking me up to think of SJ just having an egg permit, not a license yet.
I love your idea!! thanks for sharing! I usually let them do it and then pick out shell if I have to (I get shell in there every so often too:)
That is hilarious!.....and gross...the brain part. But so genius! I believe you should get the license for expert mama-ing!
Everyone agreed? YEP!
Love, Bree
LOVE it!!!
Does your genius have no end?! What a great idea, especially the drawing on the face part.
This is a really great idea!
I love that you gave out licenses and permits - very cute!
EGGceptional idea! The "yolk" about boogers "cracked" me up!
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