I wonder why I can't get my "blog on" and sit down everyday like I used to. So here are a few thoughts from last week.

Since moving here I have loved going to the movies with the girls. They can now all sit in their own seat, go the whole movie without going to the bathroom and I love the movie theaters here, they are so clean and huge!

For years I felt guilty that we didn't do that. We had no money for babysitting, Jeff worked 3 jobs for 6 years, slept at the hospital every weekend and if we would have gone out when he was home he never would have seen the kids. (how did you like that little rant!)
Anyway times have changed and we now have the time, older kids and money to go out to dinner. It may surprise most people to know I would rather stay home in my pj's then go out any day of the week. But I had seen that Mama Mia was in town and I have always wanted to see it! So a few hours before I called and got $35 seats! I love cheap seats that have great views.

I really enjoyed Mama Mia as I love the music. Yet, I have to say I wish I would have seen it years ago before the movie. Because I have seen the movie so many times I felt like I was correcting the characters "no this is how you sing that part".
I love seeing musicals and can't wait to surprise the girls this weekend with our tickets we have to Shrek! There are some great shows coming here in 2011 and I will be on speed dial December 5th trying to get great seats to all of them. Les Miserables is coming in August and I can't wait!

So I try to dress more like a grown up when I teach on conduct - I quite like it.

"You want me on that wall, you need me on that wall! - You can't handle the truth!" Seriously does he not look just like Jack Nicholson.
do you use ichat?
do you tell people do go on dates? (if you do - stop it!)
have you seen Mama Mia on stage - did the movie ruin it for you too?
do you tell people do go on dates? (if you do - stop it!)
have you seen Mama Mia on stage - did the movie ruin it for you too?
Stop the press. When did you get a new calling, how did I totally miss that?
You sure are looking foxy missy!
What a great calling for you! You look gorgeous!
I'm happy for you that you can go on dates now, take the girls to movies and shows and have so much fun!
The date night mandates from others drive me nuts too! We go out maybe once a month and our marriage is just fine thank you very much!
Totally laughed on the date every week rant. But I still say: you need to date! Even if it is playing a game of yahtzee, drinking hot chocolate on the edge of the bed, while the kids are sleeping on the floor next to you.
You look great all dressed up!
I don't know what iChat is, and I haven't even seen the movie version of Mama Mia!!! How lame is that!! We never had the $$ to go out on a weekly date night, but now every night is a date night and mostly we stay at home. We take advantage of many opportunities but do not feel pressured..... We like to go out to lunch.
I think it's so funny that you're just now revealing your new calling...how long as it been? 2 months? I am hoping to incorporate more Sunday finery in my life over the next year or so...it's time.
Randy and I have never gone on date nights either. We're to the point where the kids are definitely old enough, but I find that I'd still rather stay home most of the time. Maybe we should call our Netflix nights Date Nights instead.
We don't have ichat (or ianything) but that's hilarious to think of Jeff quoting A Few Good Men.
I think Denver has been a great move for your family! I am SURE you miss your DC family- but seems like you have adjusted well :o)
Does going to Costco together count as a date? What about if you bring a kidlet or two? If that doesn't count we might as well forget it!
I've always believed people when they say you have to go on a date once a week... BUT it totally bugged me too- same reasons, my husband works 2 full time jobs, if we went out the one night he is home, the kids won't ever see him... I get what you are saying... plus he would fall asleep if we went out! :)
you look great- love that green shirt. I LOVE mama mia, grew up listening to that, it was fun to see the movie and figure out how the songs went together, I would love the actual musical!
my sister helped me out last year in the shoe dept. being so tall I never have worn heels ever, until last year when my sister said, I needed the help looking a little "fancier" I try.. but not super great at it!
first of all, did you like megamind? i'm kind of dying to see it because i love me some will farrell, but you never know.
second, relief society? you are PERFECT for that job, but i think you are perfect for every church job because you're so dang personable and CUTE and full of fabulous ideas. i need an excuse to wear high heels.
third, MONDO WAS ROBBED. and i would have shouted it. i already ranted about it on twitter. seriously? gretchen? i hated her stuff all season and i felt like we had wasted a ton of time watching when she won. ugh! love love love mondo. so excited that you saw him in person! so fun!
seriously? a date every week? we can afford to do it, but i think making each other a priority and having a date are two totally different things. you could go to dinner and a movie and not talk at all. plus, i'm with you, i would rather stay in and watch a movie snuggled on the couch. i could however, do take out every single weekend. :)
You look absolutely beautiful Krisit! Denver agrees with you!
I haven't seen Mama Mia but have always wanted to. However, I did see Wicked in that theatre.
You look beautiful and very happy!
Don't caught up in "date night" and have it be just another scheduled, obligation in an already over scheduled hectic life!
Do think back to what is was like when you were "courting" and rekindle the emotions of that time and try to see each other as you did then - interesting, enthusiastic, fun, curious, etc.
Every year for our annivesary, we take a class. We have taken basketweaving (yes! don't chuckle), Tai Chi, yoga, Italian lessons, gone to professional cooking school - we have been married 28 years, so a LOT of classes.
We alternate who picks the class and it has to be something that we always wanted to try, one of us does or likes and wants the other to experience, or that we think the other would like to try. That makes you think about your spouse and rekindles what you know about each other and such.
It has taken us places we might not have gone, introduced us to people we might not have met and taught us things about ourself, the other and a subject that we might not have learned.
It shows the children that learning is a life long passion and not just limited to school! That learning is fun.
You are together as a couple, but not really. Meaning you are in the same place, focused on an external element that gives you something to talk about instead of harping at each other about chores and other mundane things.
It is one day a year or as much as you choose it to be - - not an regular obligation like a date night. Find what works for you!
I crave date night. Adam and I have been in the same boat all these years too and one of the best decisions we made was to make sure there was time for us. We set up babysitting swaps with other friends to combat the lack of available babysitters and funds. Many nights we go grocery shopping or get a slurpee. Dumb and fairly mundane tasks, but getting a few of those precious minutes always made the nights on call and the long weekends away much more tolerable.
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